Olaa sou o Luks e amo passar anos da minha vida fazendo cada detalhe de personagem 💜

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Heya i'm Luks, a Brazilian artist currently in love with character design and vibrant colours!

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Hello humans, It is i wALUIG-- Luks e eu faço desenhos bem na média, mas algum dia eu chego lá 👍

10 20

Olá eu sou Luks e sou completamente surtado, as vezes desenho 🤗

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Eaee sou o Luks, desenho desde 2011, pelo menos é disso que me lembro e desenho principalmente mulé bonita 💜

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Chee Pibee !! Feliz Cumpleaños Luks, sos un gran amigo, que la pases bien y no te preocupes te tengo un regalo especial 🎂🎂

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Oii! Sou Luks e desenho pelo celular! Se puderem dar uma olhadinha no meu instagram eu fico muito feliz mesmo 😍

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my dear oc mashiro kuroma ( ꈍᴗꈍ) oh he luks gud in anything cough even without anything cough cough that's for another time—

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Parte dos de diseñando outfits para personajes que me gustan.
Esta vez, el bebe luks¿

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John Sloan, along with fellow newspaper illustrators William Glackens, George Luks, and Everett Shinn, was encouraged by Henri to move from Philadelphia to New York around the turn of the century and become painters.

[Photo of Shinn, Henri, and Sloan from the ]

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IT'S OK! these luks are SO cool i love em

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David Parrish: Interior of a Tavern by George Luks

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BFBFCBDHCBDHC he luks rlly funny in this picture but yah hes gay and trans AND ALSO i kno this isnt part of the prompt but bes autistic ok listen to me Listen to m

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Feliz Cumpleaños Luks, que la pases bien y que tus deseos se Hagan realidad.

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Added le stripes and now it luks bettah :D

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Roundhouse at High Bridge
by George Luks c.1910
Oil on Canvas

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2013 memes echos en el 2016...nunca es tarde para memes(?
dei luks nais tugeder 1313 -lepegan-(?

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So, und das isses nun. Unser ganzer Stolz 3

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luks lyk a painting oh... cool ^___^

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