Mi manga, Luna de Pluton etc etc

"Uzuzu" el manga de mi "lore" adolescente (dibujado por ) ya esta disponible en español.

(en Ingles en Diciembre)

pueden encontrar el manga aquí:


y descargarlo aquí:


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Natsume Sakasaki is enjoying an entire bottle of Mad Dog 357 Plutonium 9 Million Scoville Pepper Extract.

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Lucca is enjoying an entire bottle of Mad Dog 357 Plutonium 9 Million Scoville Pepper Extract. (Which was stolen from Kagamine Rin!)

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Eleanor Forte & Qiqi are enjoying an entire bottle of Mad Dog 357 Plutonium 9 Million Scoville Pepper Extract.

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Hear me out: has it ever been confirmed that Pluton was a ship that sailed on water?

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Chongyun is enjoying an entire bottle of Mad Dog 357 Plutonium 9 Million Scoville Pepper Extract.

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Hanako-Kun is enjoying an entire bottle of Mad Dog 357 Plutonium 9 Million Scoville Pepper Extract.

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Fo sho! I’m doing my best to discover elements to make foil covers from!PS…Don’t try to order plutonium for a super rare plutonium foil cover. I had a bazillion DHS agents on my front lawn. It was a mess! There was almost nowhere for the traveling donut and coffee cart to setup!

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Midas is enjoying an entire bottle of Mad Dog 357 Plutonium 9 Million Scoville Pepper Extract. (Which was stolen from Hatsune Miku!)

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drawpile sketch, eightywan found some plutonium...

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Beelzebu is Hell's prince of glutony. Once idolized by humans, he was locked in Hell for that. He can become that which he devours, gathering their power, and because of that he's feared even among other demons. He's stoic, demanding and vain.

Beelzebu (c) Shuart

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Alex is enjoying an entire bottle of Mad Dog 357 Plutonium 9 Million Scoville Pepper Extract.

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Hong Meiling is enjoying an entire bottle of Mad Dog 357 Plutonium 9 Million Scoville Pepper Extract. (Because Slippy didn't want it!)

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Fan art of everyone's favorite Plutonians, Oglethrope, and Emory.

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Started to grow an unhealthy plutonic addiction to Nanachi.

I don’t even want help at this point, just let me happy.

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Roll is enjoying an entire bottle of Mad Dog 357 Plutonium 9 Million Scoville Pepper Extract.

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Midas, Ronald Knox and Bowser Jr. are enjoying an entire bottle of Mad Dog 357 Plutonium 9 Million Scoville Pepper Extract.

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