Day 21: Third Eye (also happened to be a redraw of what I drew from 2019)

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Today’s prompt from Woodland Magic inktober is GRIMOIRE! I don’t know why but it reminded me of a friend of mine’s unicorn character.

“Hey what are you reading?”
“Oh umm.... nothing.” Smile

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Day 20- Ritual 🔮🕯
Every witch should have her own caldron 🕯🕯🕯

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Today’s prompt is MOTH. I took inspiration from a deaths head hawkmoth and an amazing artist that designed most of the lace I did on this mask. I designed some and took aid from a shutterstock artist (unknown)

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Hello hello again all!! Today’s prompt is STARS. I didn’t really want to draw realistic stars so some bubble stars and some sparkles teehee.

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Day 18- Ivy 🌿
Nice hair you got there, dear plant 🌱

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As I worked on today’s prompt (RUNE) I made myself a new DND character. A tiefling necromancer named Sarrow. They are absolutely amazing and sooooo much fun to draw!!

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Day 17 - Vampire
Looks like a teen vampire haha soo cute

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Day 16 - Twins
The best team EVER 👌🏼
And of course I would draw Gravity Falls, again

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Hello all!! Today’s prompt is CROW. I’ve been digging drawing witches of all kinds and today I wanted to try my hand at drawing a pregnant woman. I messed up the feet a little on the crow but overall I’m proud.

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