It's been a while! Here's colored Azz from the Rookie hunt 2.0 arc

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Bunny girl Clara! Happy Lunar New Year!!

7 20

iruma as a bernese mountain dog. ( ◍•㉦•◍ )
end of story.

11 25

Precious bbys 😭❤
Loria is an oc of mine
While Demi and Arielle belongs to

7 15

I want to frikin stab my hand rn , is there a coloring art block???, Like for some reason I'm not able to color good, i have two more drawings of azz whicked phase but those are a bit to embarrassing rn so I'll do them later

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Henri coloring ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧, i don't know if there's any Henri stans besides Ed lol, i don't have much to say so back to the darkness again, peace out 🫥✌️

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How I recently drew Clara vs how they actually look

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