Playing Majikoi is like getting access to a screencap generator

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Chiller on Majikoi discord made a Majikoi Waifu Quiz

I got Seiso

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One of the best April Fools Jokes in the VN community was getting the long awaited translated Majikoi A-3. I think this is the best in the A series thusfar. Both Lee and Stacy are very solid, fun characters with very solid routes. Both of Tsubame's weren't bad either.

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Happy Birthday to the one. The inly. The adorable sleepy teddy bear dragon. Tatsumo Itagaki 💙💙💙

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Completada la traducción de Majikoi A1.
Aprovechamos la oportunidad para buscar editores que revisen nuestras traducciones. Cualquier interesado que nos escriba en nuestro discord

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Ohh, Ohhh, Ohhh the timing!!
For the first time, my bad sense of timing stopped at something...Holy.

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Eye-patch but not Margit? must be Natose and the one with the pony tail probably Venis.

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I was hyped for the English TL of Tsujidou-san no Jun'ai Road. It's by Majikoi's sister company, and had unique delinquent heroines. The humor and some scenes were good, but there were major flaws like MC being a bitch and the forced Ai guilt tripping. Ayumi is my favorite girl.

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Majikoi A-2 is my least favorite mainline Majikoi to date, but still not bad. Seiso's route was kinda interesting, mostly cuz of a twist from S. I'm not really a fan of romancing robots, so 4IS route wasn't my thing. Monshiro sequel route was a bit short but enjoyable enough.

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