Thank you for this beautiful POV artwork of moments before Mako and Asami's First kiss from my Fan Fiction: The Book of Korra. Based off The Legend of Korra Series.

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Fall drinks and Fall fits

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MakoAmi Day Off [Sailor Moon]

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Let’s celebrate the last flashes of summer with Ami and Makoto on vacation by the sea. A little well-deserved rest from their duty as Sailor senshi! Lately I started to like this couple and I think I will draw them again, they are so cute! 💙💚

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Oh my gosh it's gold Makoa look

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MakoAmi (#1 favorite)
Luna & Artemis
In some instances Naru & Umeno too

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There’s a shark in the “water”

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Hii I’m ArtistMakoa and I draw and paint a lot. Mostly my persona, Makoa and the ocs of my moots :>
My cats are also a common sight here~

✨If you want to be comment here ✨

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Makoa lore in a nutshell.
At least I still loving u shell buddy ^^ even if you don't have any participation on lore

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Makoa doesn't have Vora and Io Plushies on his hands... just saying...

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