I am definitely dreaming of holidays past. How about everyone else?

Tower in Mallorca with crows

Crows circle a tower in Mallorca.

15 by 11 inches Original watercolour (some white calligraphy ink might be used too).  


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Özlem Sorlu Thompson, Mallorca. Discover more visit - https://t.co/j3avMKFh2A

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„Steigende Infektionszahlen:
Ganz Spanien samt Malle und Kanaren ab Sonntag Corona-Risikogebiet“

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POV: Eres el dueño del hotel de mallorca y los que se fueron de fieshta en plena pandemia y molestaron a tus otros clientes se quejan de que los estas "secuestrando".

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¿Quién se iba a imaginar que en un viaje de fin de curso a Mallorca, no se respetarían las medidas de seguridad?

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Commission work for @ Angelito_Games !!
[ShuSumi with their baby on vacation to palma de mallorca, Spain!!] oww it was really amazing experience. Thank you very much!!😉
주스미 컴션 했습니다!! 정말 좋은 경험이었어요 신청 내용이 넘 예뻐서 감동 ㅠ//ㅠ

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Hi! Im a Spanish 2D artist based in Palma de Mallorca! I love drawing women and building small stories

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Mallorca By Ozlem Thompson

Oil on canvas
Size:76 x 61 cm

FOR SALE. Available for purchase through our website's shop:

Copy-paste link below


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Hi !
I am Amadeo, illustrator and tattoo artist based on Palma de Mallorca, Spain!

I draw on tradicional and digitise it, I have a lot of influence from tattoo aesthetic and I’m excited to start my way in

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Olive grove,Mallorca (watercolour)

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Corona-Skizzen 374: Eine Holzbiene an der Cala Romantica, Mallorca. Aquarell und weiße Tusche 18x26cm

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Hola! Soy Etiennette y soy de Mallorca. Llevo toda mi vida dibujando y todo lo que he hecho hasta ahora ha sido de manera autodidacta. Actualmente, estoy estudiando Diseño y Edición de Productos Gráficos y, cuando acabe, quiero estudiar ilustración 💪🏻☺.

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Europa Corona 7-Tages-Inzidenz pro Region am 7. April 2021.

Nachbarländer von Deutschland sind meistens über 200 7-Tage-Inzidenz! Problem ist viel größer als Mallorca.

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Germany has decided Mallorca is no longer a risk area, leading to a run on flights for the Easter vacation. Marian Kamensky’s take on things: https://t.co/sl0NFYFumM

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„„Im Nu ausgebucht“:
Eurowings stockt für Oster-Reisezeit Flüge nach Mallorca auf“

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„Ende der Quarantäne-Pflicht:
Mallorca ab Sonntag kein Risikogebiet mehr“

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