Mdzs oc as kids! From left to right: Junkai,Zifeng, Wuwei, Yusen

5 11

i made reaction images out of my friend’s ocs and mine :3

7 51

"He can only watch the birds fly above him, for he is nothing but a turtle without its perching stone"

5 13


虽然画不完 但还是要赶今天发一发

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11 99

Forgot if I ever posted about Psycho Jiang Son

4 11

I drew a cornetto thingy for Jin ZhenYi and I'm wheezing my leopard boy is real cute

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13 96

Des petits sketchs de mon OC Chun Tian en version Mermaid & Mafieux.

4 16

Late post 💦
I've posted this on IG but not yet on my hiatus twitter. I will try to be more active here 😘
This is NieBiShi 's MDZS OC 💖😘
Congrats for your 1K follower on IG 💖💖😘

2 4

I drew this a while ago but _(:3」z)_
“Hey, Shixiong why won’t you draw you sword?”
“What’s the point in having one if...I can’t protect anyone.”

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4 7

Je vous présente Qing Tian (晴天), la grand-mère de Chun Tian (春天).
En vrai, ils possèdent un nom de famille, mais je ne souhaite pas l'écrire. ~

5 13

Kinda wanna change her Chinese name to 李木子, kudos if you can guess how I cam up with the name ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

6 10

Diseñe un vestido de gala para tu oc
Se que te has estado esforzando muchisimo con tus practicas, intente dibujar alguna pose bonita para ti [no se mucho de ballet o danza]
pero se que todo lo que estas haciendo al final va a ser genial

4 11

Une petite envie de faire Chun Tian quand il était plus jeune ! 🌸

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