The guiding light helped Momo steer her way through scary things, the kind that go bump in the night. ;) I'm giving myself the weekend off from mechtober. :) More bots on Monday! 1830

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day 29: eighties! I can't believe this month of mechs is almost over. I think next time I'll try to balance the prompts better, and also put them out there so other people can use them.

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day 28: guerilla! I straight up got an hour and some change to sit and draw and so I made today a twofer. Almost to the end!

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day 27: tiny! Hey, another human! A suspiciously familiar one! In a suspiciously familiar location! I tried some stuff here but I couldn't really figure out what to do to fill that huge empty space.

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day 24: final battle!! I had to stop myself from going ham on the background like a half dozen times. Also, tiny Gainax pose.

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day 23: combining! I was going to call an audible on this but I had no more idea what I was going to do for that than I did for this. Based on a sketch i rejected from Aquatic.

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Painting in sketchbook pro is not bad after all but I miss Photoshop 🏃‍♂️💦..

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day 22: aquatic! I've had this idea in my head since last weekend. His feet turn into propellers or something but he can swim on the surface as well as underneath it.

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day 21: Arctic! I've felt under the weather the last few days, but I'm sticking with it! No, I don't know how the mech gets into the coat. ;)

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day 19: modern! Really, what could be more modern than leaving your incredibly high-performance machinery in a large concrete parking garage?

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day 18: magic! This one took a really long time for me to settle on a design on account of me being sick as a dog. And I couldn't settle on what kind of magic, so have a magical girl witch kinda mecha.

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day 09: world war! Sorry for the delay, my back exploded yesterday. I tried to draw a WWI style tank mech and I hope I really captured the clunkiness.

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day 07: Stealth! Just act casual and you can blend in anywhere!

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day 04: Insect! I tried to do less of a scene and more of a straight up design this time. It transforms to a six-limbed mode for a more stable firing platform!

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day 03: Steampunk! I tried to make a little cast-iron looking fella. I'm really happy with how this ended up turning out.

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Cute cyborg 🏃‍♂️🌬 first time using the n the filters done in .#mechtoberll000

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