Only in Bali, Ukrainian and Russian get along together. Along The Gu, the melting pot, where the old Gods dancing with the new Gods, even the forgotten Gods getting sober 🍻🔥🤫

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It's World Mental Health Day, so we want to celebrate all the amazing people we have worked with, from organisations to individuals who have made The Lightbox's Art and Wellbeing programme what it is. To find out more

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It's today 🌍
We have a variety of books & e-books available to support your mental health and wellbeing, in our Reading Well collection. To borrow these items, search or speak to our Library staff

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On the aim is to increase mental health for ALL globally.

We live in an world with deepest of social-cultural injustices, politicising & inequalities yet mental distress is all too often reduced to overwhelming medicalisation labelling.

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is an international day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma.

In conjunction with today, my great bud Heavy Seni () invited me for his initiative to collab & produce a comic.

Written & Illustrated by me.

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, here are the 4 beautiful lessons from therapy that made me a better person. Click here to read more

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As it’s giz a job drawing Children’s books or editorial cartoons. Because it’s what I do and the only thing that makes me happy!

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— you are not alone! Always remember that your feelings are valid everyone! 🥰

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Good morning all. Helping to support the mental health of our children, colleagues and families is so important… but in doing that, looking after our own is just as essential.

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It’s important to okay the feel of not being okay. I drafted this piece awhile ago on a piece of paper, since it’s an emote 💆🏻‍♀️ I used a lot. What do you do for self-care? Mine is usually having a shower, enjoy a cuppa of matcha 🍵, and stretching workout.

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सभी मित्रों को विश्व मानसिक स्वास्थ्य दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।💐💐💐💐
आप सभी सोशल मीडिया के मरीजों का मानसिक स्वास्थ्य का आप अच्छे से ख्याल रखे। अच्छी पोस्टे डाले।😂😂

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Your feelings are always valid. 🙂

It’s world mental health day. Don’t forget to say hi and kamusta to your loved ones. ^^

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Selamat Hari Mental Sedunia. Terima kasih karena masih bertahan sampai detik ini. Kamu dan kita adalah sosok yang kuat dan berusaha tetap waras dari bisingnya dunia❤️

Tetap perhatikan sekitar dan jaga mulut serta perbuatan agar tidak menyakiti orang lain🦋

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I'm Aina. I'm 15 and from Malaysia. I had diagnosed with ASD when I was about 12. And I have depression and stress at that time. Other than autism, I also had Nephrotic Syndrome on 2014. I have quotes for you:

"You're not alone"

End the social stigma. 💚

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To heal, you have to deal with yourself first before the others. I know that you can do it even it takes a long time. We can do that..

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World Mental Health Day: 10th October 2022. Always make time for your own health, well-being and happiness, no matter how busy life gets 💚💙

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