Neaul'a is a pretty quick caster in a pinch! Of course, he's been studying magic for a while~

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A Balloon Day cat 🎈
Older again, but not much wiser. :)

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Day 16: Cherish
The night skies of Novrandt
(there are other things more appropriate but i dont wanna just do another "scions found family" prompt fill)

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Tried my hand at making art for with my A'vol, got 3 days/pieces in before getting occupied by life.

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Day 7 is casual! Tea time with sister

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Neaul'a lived in Limsa for his entire life, so getting to finally see it snow in Ishgard was an amazing site to see😊

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Think the next week of promps I'll use Neaul'a for them! I just don't draw my precious little mooncat baby enough lol, the good lad needs more adventures!

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| Day 12 - Silly

last week i lived in the gold saucer so that i could finally buy the bunny chief set, so this week i bring you: HIM 🐇☀️✨

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meant to be taking previews of a skin texture

turned into creepy trying to do the first week of miqomarch prompts in as few screenshots as possible

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11- Gathering
If you fall asleep while fishing too clap your hands ! 👏

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10- Crafting
I've never been able to stick to crafting jobs and neither has L'yn. She is a terrible cooker who sets fire to everything she tries to cook.

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9. Job/class 🌸

My current main job, I really like playing summoner 🐉


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9- Job/Class
Higher oh higher 💃~

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the smile he gives you freezes time. it turns off the stars. only you exist to him. his world has been limited to your eyes.

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Day 8 - Dazzle ✨

Peep that Sage LB3 though!

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