day 12! g-get it, cause great horned owls have big eyebrows and minegishi-

2 12

I hate to imagine what Serizawa went through in us room when he was still a kid :(

15 75

mobtober day 5 ,, the crossover that nobody wanted, needed or asked for

18 78

He woke up early to watch cartoons

Day 12 Fav chara + fav animal

13 37

Happy late birthday Reigen Arataka, I hope this is the last time you experience happiness.

2 17

skipping to day 11, i cant pick out 1 singular favourite scene but shimazaki getting brutally humbled stands out a bunch :D

4 18


he's so pathetic i love him.

7 33

Day 10 - reigen’s bday! ( I wanted to do a parallel piece that’s less moody, but I don’t have the time rn)

9 27

Psychedairy! Reigen turns 20 this day in 1974, when Eurovision crowned a Swedish band…

2 18

day 09: salt. Haha as in salt.water. family vacay or something

11 54

day 06: fluff. .....he hasn’t a lick of common sense. The cat stays fluffy though!

21 153

day 04: food. He’s a boy of expensive taste feat. sneaking in some emimob

30 174