Autumn YCH for ✨MoonChild. 🍂 Thank you so much for commissioning me! 💛

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— Esto es increíble, BTS se escuchará en el espacio exterior en 2024.

134340, Mikrokosmos y Moonchild fueron elegidas como parte de la lista de reproducción de la NASA en su viaje a la Luna, las canciones se reproducirán en el espacio y fueron seleccionados para celebrar (+)

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おはようございます🎸今週の金曜日、ハニエルさんとのコラボがございます🌕MOONCHILDの機材を使っていつもとは違った雰囲気の中ライヴをさせて頂きます🎤ROF-reverse one’s fortune-何か、運をひっくり返すこと⤴️ 秋分の日は開運日です⛩ぜひ、ご参加ください♪

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Two very talented ladies using their skills to depict Moonchild by King Crimson and Love in an Elevator by Aerosmith. and

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リリスさん、劇伴担当オサム兄さん所属のMOON CHILDの楽曲『ストロベリーアイスクリームソーダ』の歌詞みたいになる…?


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Two different sides of my creativity - art and photography.
Why choose, when you can have both!

Moonchild for Rock Anthems collection

And Booklover for event

Anyone here in love with books and rock songs?😜🤌

Links below

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She's a moonchild
Gathering the flowers in a garden
Lovely moonchild
Drifting on the echoes of the hours
Sailing on the wind in a milk white gown
Dropping circle stones on a sun dial...

(c) Moonchild by King Crimson
20 on secondary

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HOT NEWS on collective drop.
350+ $xtz 24 hour volume
11 artworks revealed, 9 already sold out and are available on secondary
My work Moonchild was listed on secondary for 2,000 $xtz 😜
Keep an eye on it's going to the moon!

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Hi, this is my work in collective, Moonchild (inspired by King Crimson song)
On secondary for 20 Tez
Check out

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Part of collective drop
On secondary for 10 $xtz

Moonchild (inspired by King Crimson)

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Hi, here's my artwork in collective drop. Dropped today.
Currently on secondary at 10 $xtz
Inspired by the song by King Crimson

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Early gn for me. Take care all 🖤

Art by for on .com

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