Drew Luigi meditating from his inner demons: Mr L from Super Paper Mario and the Green Thunder/Mask Luigi from the series Mario and Luigi: The Mask by TimeLordParadox

4 10

Inspired by the Steven Universe episode "Alone at Sea"
Summary: Dimentio returns to asks a bizarre request.
"Let's be Super Dimentio again. Together, we'll be unstoppable!"
Yes or no?

7 23

En ce moment j'essaye de progresser en dessin, du coup j'ai eu l'idée de reproduire dans mon style graphique des photos trouvées un peu au hasard sur Instagram :)

Voici le premier, dans le thème des vacances d'été ☀️

Photo: _.melanie.mrl._ (https://t.co/PLOhJrWApo)

113 3153

"Up from the sky, I won't want you to cry
So here's an act for everyone to sneer at"

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I've been more than 3 hours listening to the song on loop and I won't stop anytime soon.

8 26

super paper mario but AWESOME!!!

7 18

It's always fun seeing RM of on MRL's Ask Anything Chat! Hope you can please play🙏🎶🎶 the song📻🎶🎶 by feat!

4 6

アニバーサリーボックス「MRL BOX」、ジャパンテクノロジー「シャクシャイン」キャンセル分の販売を開始しました!

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MRL BOX、シャクシャインのブラックについてキャンセルが出ましたので、本日22時に再度販売します!お見逃しなく!

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左:篠原 AV-4 ピースキーパー
右:篠原 MRL-02 ドラゴン

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