こちらは、岐阜出身の実業家 武藤山治(1867-1934)の「秋野孤鹿図」です。慶応義塾にて福沢諭吉に学び、アメリカへ留学。1921年鐘紡社長に就任、鐘紡中興の祖と称されます。また、絵画や陶芸などの美術品を収集したことでも知られます。

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MUTOS on Skull Island

200 837

i rlly rlly like the MUTOs design,,,,,,,

4 49

I just realized i could mirror GynandroMUTO to get two seperate MUTOs.

2 13

zero and the guardians and copy x and all them rule and all the mmz key art rules but the mutos reploids really don't get enough love

19 68

artists working with VR: i challenge you to make something better than the 3D mutoscope (1978) by robert breer

80 412

Les Mutos on dirait les trucs pour retirer les agrafes...

25 57

Cartoon Mutoscope Classics: Onomatopoeia Athropomorphica (first strip)

5 11