is The Healer’s Blade.

“What if an instrument of death was designed to heal instead?”

I’m proud of the team we’ve brought together and excited to share this story 🗡️

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We are working hard on our fantasy adventure series, Ruination!

Issue is almost done and we’ll soon be launching the Kickstarter for a special collected edition of our first story arc!

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Matilda Atkins Returns! The time-travelling reluctant schoolgirl superhero returns to the pages of ,written by me, illustrated by mighty ! (Dr Who, X-Men, 2000AD).

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Hi! My is Where I End and You Begin, a 12 page short I wrote and collaborated with the incredible .

Folks can find a digital copy here:

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I've got my first comic in pre-launch on Kickstarter right now. 3 horror tales derived from personal experience, fears, and spiritual/psychological wonderings. Oh, and mice..for some reason 🙃. The Thinning Veil click to get notified.

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was the short comic I wrote for the Hairology Kickstarter! Also currently developing some horror scripts for an anthology submission and always writing for my webcomic The Serpent’s Daughter

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is going to be Sagas of the Shield Maiden Book 3. Big announcements coming soon for that but Book One & Two are comics I'm extremely proud of.

SotSM is a Viking Western that chronicles the blood soaked tales of the titular & nameless Shield Maiden.

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I have so many I can't talk about, but here's some I can!
School for Extraterrestrial Girls Book 2 w/
Love Unlimited Gwenpool w/
Dog Knight w/
Slay w/ Alex Smith

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Working with on Book 2 of School for Extraterrestrial Girls! Currently coloring to try to get this sucker to the finish line!!

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