Don't forget to check the weekly events In the discord. We have game days everyday and today we are playing with your host . Visit the MyHomies discord for more details.

6 12

Good Morning,

from my Pink Fade Background set of Homies!

2 11

So happy I just acquired this 1/1 pure gummy beauty Rank MyHomies is the best nft community in the 💯🙌🔥

5 45

Only 73 of 10420 Homies have the
Flaming Eye

SpliffKing hodl 49 Homies

Join Discord, Airdrops, Chat, Contests, Games and Tokin Tokens for free merch

4 33

Happy Birthday to the OG Homie!

Cheech Marin

Thanks for taking the Homies on a ride through the Metaverse

Homies in Dreamland

Join on Discord

4 31

Homies in Dreamland by Cheech and Chong Gabby the Cat is smoking a spliff and here to rep my IRL kitty Angel

Join us on Discord and buy a Homie under .05 ETH and you’ll be entered into a raffle the win SR poster

1 20

Cheech is the OG Psychonaut, and looks totally baked in HID

5 27

HID Spazz the Fox is my latest SpliffKing hodl 42 Homies

Homies in Dreamland
by Cheech & Chong TM

Join the Homies on Discord for Airdrops, Chat, Games and Tokin Tokens for free merch

6 24


SpliffKing hodl 40 Homies

My roommates said NFTinDex is boring so, I’m now the SpliffKing

My latest Homie, Chong looks totally baked

9 34

Homies in Dreamland
by Cheech & Chong TM

Gabby the Angel representing my IRL kitty Angel, some cool cats.

NFTinDex hodl 36 Homies

Join Discord for Airdrops, Chat, Games

1 14