Happy I’m an ace artist who loves my queer peers <3

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Happy 🖤🤍💜

I gotta say, one of my favorite parts about working on Brimstone and Roses has been being able to represent a piece of my identity in my male lead, Lazareth.

While the comic has only lightly touched on asexuality so far-

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Happy I'm happy to be who I am 🖤🤍💜

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Oh hey!
Its Have a great day, today you guys! ✌️🖤🤍💜

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Happy I'm proud of who I am, and I hope you are too! 🖤🤍💜

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It’s I’m autochorissexual, a variant where one isn’t really into real stuff but intrigued by fictional scenarios and the like!

Hug your local ace friends today and remind them of their validity. :>

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Found out it's
Wishing all an ace day!

You rock, You are valid, be proud :)

Art: @/UrbanKitsune

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Just found out it's today ^^
I'll take this opportunity to show off an art piece I won some time ago, done by @/KuroT3nshi <3
So, Happy
May you all find where you belong, and not take 30 years doing so, like I did X3

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Since I was a teen, I would describe myself as "somewhat asexual." Fast-forward years later, now 25, I looked up demisexuality/demiromanticism in late-Feb, and since then, I feel confident to say I'm hetero-demi.


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Took me a long while to figure things out, but I think I'm happy to finally say this now. ^v^;

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i discovered i was ace about 5 years ago, and it was one of the most important and self-affirming things to ever happen to me. much love to all my ace friends; we ain't broken and there is nothing wrong with us 💜💜💜

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I'm Gray Ace! I thought that fit me the best so it's what I'm used to calling myself since I don't really find people in general attractive but do with fetish/sexual scenarios.

Maybe there's a microlabel for that but Gray Ace works!

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So you’ve got Ace Dad (), Ace Big Sis ()...now you also have Asian Ace Fairy Godmother watching over you. You are magical, you are loved ♠️

Hope it’s not too late for my last min contribution to

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Happy Shadow has been one of my favorite characters of all time, and I have always headconnoned him as ace!
I know I’m late, but I’m wishing all my asexual friends an amazing time!

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Reposting this ace critter I drew a long while back for Sending much good vibes to all my fellow aces!

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kinda late but my ace ocs wish you a happy 🖤🤍💜 feliz :-)

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Today is the first ever
I figured I'd participate today by doing a self portrait. It reminds me that I'm not broken or defective and I'm perfectly fine existing in the moment exactly as I am.

Happy Asexuality Day! 🖤🤍💜

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Happy 💜💀🖤I don't have any ace pride works, but have some purple art.

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