Sosaku Yubiwa, also known as "Sosaku the Artiste" and member of the Pretty Boy Detective Club. Heir to as well as president of the Yubiwa Foundation, which is the parent organization of the Yubiwa Academy. He possesses great financial and artistic talent!

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Nagahiro Sakaguchi, also known as "Nagahiro the Orator" and member of the Pretty Boy Detective Club. He has a beautiful voice and has been the president of the student council for three consecutive years!

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Michiru Fukuroi, also known as "Michiru the Epicure" and member of the Pretty Boy Detective Club. Delinquent on the outside but also a good cook with a kind heart!

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Bishounen Tantei,,, I'm excited for it, Nisio Isin is one of my fav light novel authors and I'm ready for another one of their works to be animated i hope people love it as much as the Monogatari series also the cast is 😳👉👈

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No puedo creer que ya tenga 200 seguidores :3 (aún que ya hayan estado hace tiempo) pero aún asi poco a poco estoy aunentando y espero que pueda crecer con ustedes siempre :3

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"Dancing in the thorns tonight." And yes, this is yet another humanization. Inspired by the song Eisbrecher - Dornentanz. Lampy belongs to

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Ayah Ussy adalah orang yang sangat keras. Ia menentang Ussy di awal karirnya di Kenapa ya? Simak ini ya gaes..
Lengkapnya, baca Virgo and the Sparklings Season 3 karya di!

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Se reveló la 1ra imagen promocional para la adaptación animada de las novelas ligeras Se estrenará en el 2021 en Japón.

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Ayuh semua rakyat Malaysia bersama-sama Artoboy dan mengekang dan menentang kemaraan Covid-19 dan geng-gengnya yang tidak patuh arahan kuarantin & SOP ini.

Kita Jaga Kita. Kita Pasti Menang!

48 108

He estado inentando gravar desde ayer pero la maldita lluvia no me lo ha permitido, asi que espero gravar algo hoy
Asi que les dejo un dibujo de Gazter que hice para la edicion

Les dejo mis ultimos videos por si quieren verlos

1 7

Layaknya filsuf-filsuf beraliran kiri, pemikiran Mikhail Bakunin sangat sering disalahtafsir oleh para penentang dan penggemarnya. Kali ini, kita akan membahas dua pemikiran beliau yakni ANARKISME POLITIK dan AGAMA!

- a thread!

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Rakyat Malaysia menyanjung tinggi usaha gigih setiap petugas kesihatan menentang

19 33

My KoFi 'Mei' special. Supporters can see the complete image in KoFi gallery which has another character.

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Makin lama kita menentang, makin rancak mereka beraksi. Bkn stakat mremehkn nasihat org ramai tp turut mpersendakn agama...

Jika bkn kita yg akn mnentang mrka, jd siapa lg. Tp bgmn? Skuran2nya, boikot dulu socmed mrk & jgn ssekali share/repost apa shj yg dtg dr mereka.

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Nusantara bermain sbg kiper, ketakutan krn Jin Kartuby yg menentang bolanya. ikuti di

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