Seth was always a free spirited man, so things such as power and influence weren't always something he cared about, or felt he lacked. But if Osiris brings Seth's family into it, convincing him that this is the reason Nephthys betrayed him, he would eat it up.

4 82

NTRU Nephthys Message 𓆃
“All That is Hidden Soon Revealed”
I am Nephthys, Lady of the House, Lady of Darkness, Protectress of the Deceased. I arrive to you bearing revelation and clarity for the deception that surrounds you. All that is isn’t as it seems to be and I lend you

6 26

엔네아드 네프티스
언니 행복해야 해...(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

Ennead Nephthys

121 489

Since Osiris punishes whoever touches or hurts seth
Also hates them all (according to his q&a )
+ In addition to that hieroglyph
Maybe Osiris was jealous of nephthys because seth was in love with her so he decided to imprisonment real Nephthys in the mirror?

25 153

With Osiris it was the creation of the desert and being a "puny sand god." And later we see him question Nephthys. Neph speaks as if she knew they didn't start off as gods, but Seth is doubtful.
"From the beginning we were..." What? What did you think you started as, Seth? +

0 47

hc: whenever isis was upset in precanon nephthys was the one to comfort her with a kiss

10 72

Theory time!
Nephthys tried to do something to help Isis but was zapped by the curse (?) and had fallen asleep because of it but what if... Nephthys ended up entering the nightmare of Isis? Will she see what Isis had seen that terrible night? Finaly learning the truth?

5 51

S2 Episode 35 spoilers

Nephthys tries to help her sister and gets attacked. They both pass out behind locked doors while someone calls out to them

9 124

My interpretation of Hathor's mirror is complicated, but I think one significant thing that the Sekhmet side of the mirror does is unleash the victim's (Horus, Nephthys) true forbidden desires, whether or not the victim is willing. I say forbidden, as in things that the--

4 54

S2 Episode 34 spoilers

Nephthys notices Isis is struggling and gives her a kiss to send support

35 214

Anubis, Bastet, Tot, Seth and Nephthys, but they are all insects

16 132

I do think at one point Osiris asked Hathor to manipulate Nephthys. It could also explain why Hathor was so mean to Nephthys and talked about betraying "love." The delusion of love Hathor knows how to play with.

1 60

Sekhmet has zero reason to allow the Anubis drama to become a reality. (Though she is MORE than happy to let it happen) Nephthys as a peace/harmony goddess knows better than to go behind Seth's back and ask Osiris for a baby. It's a lie and it creates discourse. +

2 51

The first clue for me is the fact that Nephthys is in a mirror. Only Sekhmet and Hathor have access to the mirror, however it's only been Hathor who we've seen touch the mirror. Sekhmet is attracted to drama, she only causes it when it already exists +

1 63

Nut, the Egyptian goddess of the sky, was responsible for escorting the Moon, Sun, and stars across the heavens. The mother of Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys, Nut was one of the oldest deities in the Egyptian pantheon, likely originating from the ancient city of Heliopolis.

24 99