Maybe one of the reasons Nep is so cute is because she says her name all the time like a Pokemon... Nepu~!

25 144

I haven't decided which one to post so I'm posting both :D

25 72

Saying “I'm fine”
- You're not actually fine
- Minimum Cope
- Low Morale when dealing with issues

Saying “Nepu Nepu”
- Make you go dumb
- Happy 24/7
- Is this world truly real? Or is it just a fictional story created by someone else?
- Can transform into a hot woman.

3 18

Lewd Iffy is showing her tummy~!?

7 82

I didn't know there were lewd things like this happening in our basilicom~! Σ(//ω//.)

8 40

I been thinking to change to my older self for a bit hehe nepu

8 76

Here we go, good to go, Nepu~tune~

0 2

The little sister lover became the little sister instead...(">ω<)/

3 23

"W-why dus nepgear always have to make me embarrassed and horny sometimes nepu nepu~ "

5 35

Deck the halls with Nepu presents~
Nep Nep Nep Nep Nep, Nep Nep Nep Nep~

27 119

pudding pudding <3 nepu nepu <3 pudding pudding

1 2

It's getting cold outside again. So this calls for Nepu cuddle time.

7 34