//=time() ?>
"I don't think I want to imagine Elliot all buff and ripped." Fanart by 珈琲たると https://t.co/lcR4DzG9nD #TrailsofColdSteel #ReanSchwarzer @sonicmega #NihonFalcom #閃の軌跡
"The pleasure of being bound, vulnerable and exposed is a thrill like no other!" #TrailsofColdSteel #SharonKreuger @TheMelaLee #YukanaNogami #野上ゆかな #XSEEDGames #NihonFalcom #NISAmerica #閃の軌跡 #WaifuWednesday
"Hiding in a box is a bit cliche, too. People do it all the time on sneaking missions." Fanart by: れんく https://t.co/WNVTyMwDIm #TrailsofColdSteel #FieClaussell @SoCassandra #XSEEDGames #NISAmerica #NihonFalcom #閃の軌跡 #MondayMotivation
Promotional Artwork for Trails of Cold Steel! #TrailsofColdSteel #XSEEDGames #NihonFalcom #閃の軌跡
"I don`t think the world`s ready for this level of idiocy... At the very least, I`m not." #TrailsofColdSteel #JusisAlbarea @BenjaminDiskin #ThrowbackThursday #XSEEDGames #NihonFalcom #閃の軌跡
"It's not like I would've let you in there either way. This is a girls' club, remember?" Fanart by: またはち https://t.co/MglAQtE806 #TrailsofColdSteel #AlisaReinford @ChristineMCVA #WaifuWednesday #NihonFalcom #閃の軌跡
At the end of his S-Craft Cross Raven, after the bullets he fired surround the area, he does a badass fingersnap and all of them hit the enemies at once. Fanart by:
-基-cherub https://t.co/Ztbnj5z2Fy #TrailsofColdSteel #CrowArmbrust #NihonFalcom #XSEEDGames #MondayMotivation
When you've been staring at him for the better part of the day then you finally ask him over to your table! #TrailsofColdSteel #KurtVander #LauraArseid @Marisha_Ray #NihonFalcom
The @NISAmerica Online Store has The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III Juna Crawford T-shirt for $19.99 (reg.$24.99)! Just don't let Kurt see you wearing it! 😆 https://t.co/09fhs93Grj #TrailsofColdSteel3 #JunaCrawford #NISAmerica #NihonFalcom #閃の軌跡3
It's unclear how she can communicate with animals, but Ricotta can understand what some of Seiren's fauna are saying.
Fanart by:
おと https://t.co/OsNf5Zamtz #YsVIII #RicottoBeldine @JackieLastra #NISAmerica #NihonFalcom
"The star is beautiful... I shall dub thee the lammy star. Dang I'm so good at naming names!"
Fanart by:
kky https://t.co/SyjwuVEUWZ #TrailsofColdSteel #MilliumOrion @ashly_burch #NihonFalcom #XSEEDGames
"You cannot
run away from
what raises
your heartbeat
and stops
your time
I know that now"
Fanart by:
Kingウサギ https://t.co/YpjQgbTm9T #TrailsofColdSteel3 #ReanSchwarzer @sonicmega #AlisaReinford @ChristineMCVA #NISAmerica #NihonFalcom
Magical Girl Alisa R Poster!
#TrailsofColdSteelIV #AlisaReinford #NihonFalcom
Hey, guys! IT'S THE WEEKEND!!! Be safe out there while you're having fun! What games will you be playing? #ZeroNoKiseki #AoNoKiseki #RandyOrlando #LloydBannings #ElieMacDowell #KeaBannings #TioPlato #NihonFalcom @nihonfalcom #零の軌跡 #碧の軌跡 #PSP #PSVita
"If it's legal, I don’t even touch it!" @NISAmerica #YsVIII #Hummel #NihonFalcom @PlayStation #PS4 #PSVita #Steam @NintendoAmerica #NintendoSwitch
Important points during Dengeki Interview with Kondo Prez regarding Sen No Kiseki 4! https://t.co/Jnm9C78T9H #TrailsofColdSteelIV @nihonfalcom #閃の軌跡IV #NihonFalcom
Agate Crosner from #LegendofHeroes #TrailsintheSky. His sword was painful to draw. Special thanks to my sis @alyssasinnen for advice while working on it. She is rad. #NihonFalcom #JRPG
Some Ys (eess) VIII fan art. Colors finished! I really need to stop drawing and start chipping away at my video game backlog, including this one. #ysviiilacrimosaofdana #nisamerica #nihonfalcom #videogames #manga #anime #adolchristin #dogi #laxia #sahad #mistajonz #jrpg #ps4
Kitty version of Fie! 😍
@PlayStation @XSEEDGames @nihonfalcom @SoCassandra #PS3 #PSVita #Jrpg #NihonFalcom