My friend wanted to have a marathon phone call again. I can''t work on anything serious while I talk with her, so I just drew more Pining Pirate Au for Kurtty.

7 66

"Even when we'd felt abandoned and alone, there are so many out there who silently care for us."
Demon Sanctuary has been updated!
Read whole update:

6 22

season 2 has now ended! Season 3 will start in next update.
Will A or R kill Fuzzy? Will Lempos find Fuzzy first? Can Irene and Fuzzy be together? All this in next season!
Read whole update:

4 18

Little illustration to Dannykkrose's fanfic "Did Anything Go Right?" where nothing really does go right and someone gets shot.

1 8

I’m sorry, I had completely forgot 2 pages from the newest Demon Sanctuary update! Read it again:

2 13

Demon Sanctuary has been updated, halleluyah! And it's LONG with lots of Ilta.

1 11

I remembered Paine's Lady Luck dress and if that isn't a look for Double Trouble

18 102

I was recently in Japan at friends for 2 weeks, so some Japan inspired
The nerds would completely destroy and empty Ufo Catchers.

134 416

Pet owner's voice; "Gimme that!!"
Thanks its-a-trapta for the idea!

105 283

A steampunk guy with an undercut and a big nose?
Sign me in!

7 24

My friend usually makes really long calls and I spend the calls often drawing while chatting with her. Vol'jin this time!

10 20

I got a suggestion of Strickler and Angor Rot building a nest for Barbara.

9 33