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As another cloud of #SaharanDust swirls across the Atlantic Ocean towards the southern U.S., one of NOAA’s newest models is providing more accurate forecasts of where the air quality impacts of the dust will be felt. https://t.co/WURH34gUmS
NOAA/SWPC also ran an Enlil simulation with two CMEs. Even the CME we thought might be Earth-directed will only glance us without much impact, according to this. We will see. https://t.co/GfgRaoGAJf
#CalentamientoGlobal #Abril2020 Con +1.06ºC sobre Promedio Siglo XX. Es el 2do Abril más cálido (1ro: 2016 ,+1.13ºC). Sudamérica: 6to Abril más cálido. #Lima: 3er Abril más cálido (Siglo XXI),temperatura máxima medida en #Aeropuerto.
Base de datos global: 141 años. Fuente #NOAA
Good #MondayMorning everyone! Here's a look at the #AuroraBorealis overnight from the #NOAA20 satellite. Hope some saw the #NorthernLights from below.
@radiofreepony Here's a chart from NOAA about it! There's multiple ways plates bump up against each other (or move away)
Live for 24 hours on our Instagram Story: #marinemammalbaffle 3/29 edition. How much does a mature blue whale's heart weigh? https://t.co/K5p18f00wg Explore #WhalesToday at https://t.co/PNlShdx0QG to learn about remarkable marine mammals. Photo: NOAA Fisheries Service
DSCOVR(ディスカバー)は第1ラグランジュ点(L1)から地球を観測しています。L1は、太陽と地球の間の、地球から約150万kmの点です。地球〜月の距離は平均して約38万4400kmなので、DSCOVRはそれよりはるか遠くから観測しています。Image Credit: NOAA
Listening to marine mammals is helping scientists understand the ecological impacts of climate change in the Arctic https://t.co/MpczaCSVEE 📷 NOAA Fisheries
🌡️ #NOAA Report: Assessing the U.S. #Climate in January 2020 👉 https://t.co/PhDZQtWMrM
The snow cover (or lack thereof) in Europe lately. Any snow cover in your area? Image: NOAA
Snowfall has been below average in western Japan so far this winter. SLP anomalies (h/t NOAA/ESRL) show negative anomalies over northern Eurasia and positive anomalies over the north Pacific consistent with weak Siberian High and Aleutian Low. Thus, a weaker winter monsoon.
ภาพถ่ายจริง ๆ ล่าสุดของ Hagibis ซึ่งใช้การถ่ายถึง 3 รอบวงโคจร (แสดงว่ามีขนาดใหญ่มาก) ที่มา - NASA Worldview, Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) NASA/NOAA #climatechange #SaveJapan
最強台風今週末に韓半島ではなく東京強打か と嬉しそうに報道する中央日報
So I will probably consider doing the weather learning stuff for Youtube. :) Would be fun.
Oh reminder...The NWS and NHC are separate from NOAA (just oversees the 2). #NOAA has gone off the deep end but the NWS and NHC we in are 100% still good. Always heed the NHC and NWS.
Guys if you can tonight....It would be awesome as a meteorologist in this weather field that I love if you can show some love to your National Weather Service on twitter or other places. Even a simple thank you tweet. These guys do a great job even if #NOAA doesn't think so. 👍
The thing that has us meteorology community and those all in the Weather Service worried is NOAA (who owns them) can go against actual science and us forecasters.
Essentially this has disastrous consequences in people's trust in the NWS and NHC for the future. NOAA is BS. #MLP
Meaning it may actually be time to be shifting to us Meteorologists to kind of not get those NOAA type jobs and more so kind of move to our own weather to YT with support from the community.
I mean I think I have a good base of people here that like my weather stuff.....right?