I'm Jayde (pronounced Jade) and I am a grumpy freelance illustrator from the East Texas area. My subjects are mostly of things one can find in the fantasy realm. However, I do dabble with knotwork, owls, and a few darker themes.

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I got to listen o some Celtic music today, and it gave me the idea for this.

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created a ref of a ferret character for a friend who wanted an all purple ferret with bats and celtic knotwork so this is dusky she is deciding on gender at the moment but the name is staying

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Work/Life Balance is more than nap pods, and free lunch.

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In order to prevent ya´ll from noticing just how inactive I am here´s Noctis catching a shiny, shiny fish

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Turned out sakura ink doesn't dry waterproof on canvas! =/

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Jeb tries to get tough with Trump

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A peek at a T-shirt design for an October medieval event.

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One of the several designs I'm working on for a tarot card deck.

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