Opa finalmente participando de uma tag

Eu sou o Nuk e eu desenho coisas

18 44

nuk nambahin gi0 membucin😭😭😭😭

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3/3: Reworks of the wolf trio, Nuk, Yak, and Sumac. Their designs are okay I guess, they just don't fit as well into the aesthetic of the first movie. just like all the other wolves lol. The only major change is that Sumac is a chick now

3 33

Oi oi eu sou o Nuk, gosto de desenhar no meu tempo livre e um dia quer criar meu próprio desenho animado

4 7


I don't hate him! It just felt like they were trying too hard to replace Sokka that they made him annoying sometimes - especially during the Nuk Tuk thing (prolly misspelled)

Again, I don't hate him, but I don't like him very much either

0 1

Oi oi eu sou o Nuk

Gosto de desenhar no meu tempo livre mas pretendo fazer meu próprio desenho animado um dia

Alguns artistas q eu gosto:

Meus desenhos mais atuais (tudo camp camp help):

5 15

Oi oi 👉👈
Eu sou o Nuk, essa é a minha segunda conta criada pq minha primeira foi derrubada
Falta pouco para chegar onde eu tinha parado, que era 1200 seguidores

Seria um ótimo presente de Natal chegar nessa meta, então poderia dar rt para chegar em mais pessoas?
Minhas artes:

36 70

Big stinky lich man. One of my grineer oc's, his name is Nuk

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Olá olá
Eu sou o Nuk, um artista que está agora começando a trabalhar com arte e quero um dia fazer meu próprio desenho animado

Minha conta principal caiu então estou nessa agora

Alguns artistas incríveis:

8 24

Oi oi eu sou o Nuk, sou um artista que está começando a trabalhar com minhas artes e quero um dia fazer meu próprio desenho animado

Eu tinha uma conta com mais de 1200 seguidores mas o tt derrubou sem motivo algum, então tô usando essa por enquanto 💖👉👈

3 8

Umm does a Souldrox count? I'm a little part fox?

If so.. hi I'm Aielunma, it's nice to meet other kitsune.

I haven't really debuted yet but I'm working on gathering enough souls to do so. but I also love to tell stories.. and the story I aim to tell is that of The Dai'vo Nuk.

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It is from the Dai'Vo Nuk series.. that I have for my channel. It's a story about a half soul elf who seeks his other half of a soul and all the doom that comes forth.

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These 2 for sure..
I actually don't even know what artist made the second pic, got them in a trade but no info.
I definitely need to draw them.
Nuk made by @/bbonbonss

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Just a quick nuk before bed c:

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Dear Nuk Mom,
Happy Mother’s Day!
Thanks to you, bringing the best ever Saint to the world, giving MingErs warmth and brightness.
Hereby, MingEr are sending you all the beloved words.
Wish you are all the time healthy!
MingEr love you.

159 138

Hello, I'm Nuk! Dimileth was a ship i thought i wouldnt get into but then their B-supp came and everything changed 😅 Dimileth really helped me climb out of a really bad art block and I really love their hidden symbolism w/ reaching out the build up to their S-support! 💙💚

66 221

Hello! I'm Nuk and i like drawing fanart of stuff i like! As of right now I'm really into fe3h and i'd love to make some artist friends 😊

14 47