"Ananas folio vix Ferrato"

Engraver: Johann Jakob Haid (1704-1767)

Drawing by Georg Dionysus Ehret (1708-1770)

Publishe in: "Plantae Selectae"

Publishers: Christoph Jacob Trew (1695-1769) and (later) Benedict Christian Vogel (1745-1825)

Nuremberg, 1750-1773

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German artist, Peter Vogel chose a famous street in Nuremberg as a reference for his recent painting. Weißgerbergasse is the largest ensemble of old artisan houses in Nuremberg.
Artist's portfolio: https://t.co/fyFftPvyKd

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Printed in 1493! Hartmann Philipp von Schwaben, Otto IV. von Braunschweig, Orden der Kreuztraeger, Karmeliterorden, Nuremberg Chronicle
"Sexta etas mundi Seite CCVII (Seite 207)
From Nuremberg Chronicle. Latin (first) edition
Nürnberg, 1493

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Impressions from
1. Attractive copper etching, original hand coloring. Published by Johann Baptist Homann (1664-1724). Nuremberg, ca. 1725
2. Wismar - Copper etching by Homann ca 1720.
3. Am Wasserthor in Wismar after Gustav Schoenleber, ca 1880

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Автор - Dominik Mayer / Artist / Nuremberg, Germany
✅ работы цифровых и аналоговых художников на моём канале https://t.co/NyUkNkYpPp
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📻 https://t.co/X0XuwquvGj // space travel music

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Franz Michael Regenfuss was born in Nuremberg, Germany & baptised in 1713. His 'Auserlesne Schnecken, Muscheln und andre Schaalthiere..', was published in 1758. The frontispiece shows sea gods & products of the sea surrounding a bust of King Frederick V of Denmark & Norway.

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Anonymous Germany (Nuremberg) 1499, Elkanah and His Two Wives (I Samuel, 1), 15th century https://t.co/ZvF8mMYYVl

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Great map of and surroundings!
Below panoramas as seen from the port and from land. Below a plan Kiel's harbor.
Very good condition. Excellent original hand color. Very attractive print.
Published by Johann Baptist Homann
Nuremberg, 1762

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What a great

Copper etching with superb original hand color.
Engraver: Johann Jakob Haid
Drawing by Georg Dionysus Ehret

Published in: "Plantae Selectae"

Nuremberg, 1750-1773

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Evidently my ears prick up any time the Nuremberg Chronicle is invoked online!

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"#Alcea flore albo. Weisse Fellris"
"Alcea alba"
"Alcea pentaphyllea flore albo pleno"

Copper etching. Printed in color and hand-finished

Published n "Phytanthoza Iconographia"

Nuremberg, 1740

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1. Santini. Venice, 1779
2. By Gabiel Bodenehr, Augsburg, 1723.
3. Homann, Nuremberg, 1723

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Map of the in the extensions of mid 18th century & neighbouring geographical regions of countries. Black Sea and neighboring shores. Nowadays the Ukraine has much larger extensions, especially westwards
Publisher: Johann B. Homann
Nuremberg, 1723

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"Ananas folio vix Ferrato"
Copper etching with superb original hand color.
Engraver: Johann Jakob Haid
Drawing by Georg Dionysus Ehret

Published in: "Plantae Selectae"
Nuremberg, 1750-1773

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🦌 Faunae insectorum Germanicae initia
Nuremberg: Felsecker, 1792-1823

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🎸"Blue Oyster Cult Godzilla"
All photos taken by drake_street_abstract
Artist and title unknown

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I also want to give a warm welcome to for collecting "Graf Tunnel Sotofish". This one is from a tunnel in Nuremberg that and I painted. Good times!! And a chilly night!! Welcome to the Sotofish club Jvan!

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Stunning map of
Map shows southern Norway. Upper left inset: Coastline and hinterland from Drontheim to Nordcap.

Copper etching with excellent original hand coloring.

Published by Johann Baptist Homann (1664-1724)

Nuremberg, 1723

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Brunnya: Judgement at Nuremberg

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O misterioso evento de 1561 em Nuremberg, batalha no céu - será verdade? https://t.co/R3vYARRk7J より

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