"Gotta get them energy baby!"

Do any of your OCs manipulate energy in their own way?

10 37

"I'm fast as fuck boyyyyyyyyy!"

We tackled strength and durability, so how fast can your OCs go?

6 40

"How much are you willing to take!?!"

Just how durable (Physically, mentally, etc) is your OC?

22 168

We hit hard baby!

Any of your OCs really hard hitters (Either through training, genes and or powers)?

14 98

Most suspected rapists and abusers plead for jail time in the state of New England.
Urban legend says they will be found dead and partially consumed within days if exonerated or charges are dropped. The corpses are described as severally mutilated.


3 14

It's good to be bad.

Any OCs of yours switched from being good to evil?

3 8


Is your OC part of a band and or a singing/dance group?

2 4

This'll be today/tomorrows question:

It's all in quads!

Do you have a specific team of OCs that work in 4s?

4 27

Training your body is important, even going at it in a creative fashion!

Does your characters have something to limit themselves before popping off at full power (Weighted training clothes, weights, mental blocks, etc)?

6 13

Feel the power!

What was (In your opinion) the best power/zenkai boost moment your OC went through?

5 17

Four Candidates for a short Interactive Story Thing, After you choose whose story you want to see, options will be given after each drawing/s are posted. Your vote will affect the story. Areas to visit will be shown to pick from, each with a boss to face off in the end.

2 9

Everyone goes by this: Tired

Which of your OCs can affect people and make them sleepy/tired.

5 27

Your main character isn't as strong without backup: FRIENDS/SIDEKICKS!

Which OCs do you have act as their support, sidekick, etc

7 34

They're so dangerous multiple heroes or villains have to band together to beat em: One Man Army's!

What OCs do you have that are like that?

5 32

Here's another cool one people might like: Techniques/Power Ups!

Does your character use a technique or a power up to help em in battle?

8 41

It's time for the lower side of heroes to commence: The B-Z Team!

What OCs do you have are part of a team but are much lower in power and or status than your A-Team OCs.

2 4

Getting tired of fighting with your hands/feet? Just use a weapon!

What OCs do you have use weapons/are weapon masters?

8 41

Here's a good question! Cursed.

What OCs do you have that are cursed with a forbidden power or forced to change into something in certain periods of time?

6 22

It's time for a little bit of Toon Power!

What OCs do you have that utilize the powers of Toons?

4 14