Your main character isn't as strong without backup: FRIENDS/SIDEKICKS!

Which OCs do you have act as their support, sidekick, etc

7 34

They're so dangerous multiple heroes or villains have to band together to beat em: One Man Army's!

What OCs do you have that are like that?

5 32

Here's another cool one people might like: Techniques/Power Ups!

Does your character use a technique or a power up to help em in battle?

8 41

It's time for the lower side of heroes to commence: The B-Z Team!

What OCs do you have are part of a team but are much lower in power and or status than your A-Team OCs.

2 4

Getting tired of fighting with your hands/feet? Just use a weapon!

What OCs do you have use weapons/are weapon masters?

8 41

Here's a good question! Cursed.

What OCs do you have that are cursed with a forbidden power or forced to change into something in certain periods of time?

6 22

It's time for a little bit of Toon Power!

What OCs do you have that utilize the powers of Toons?

4 14

It doesn't matter how hard you hit if you're not styling with it! What kinda particular fighting form/art does your OCs use?

11 34

The case of the splitting headache: Split Personality!

Which OCs of yours have different personalities? Bonus points if they have different powers when they switch.

7 16

Taking off from one of my other things I talked about last night: Speedsters!

Which of your OCs is the fastest, or has superhuman speed?

6 35

Here's another OC Question!: Team-Ups!

From your own universe or from another universe of your creation who of your OCs has joined forces to combat a greater threat not one of them can handle on their own?

3 17

OC Question Of The Day: Metalheads!

Have an OC that can control/talk to metal, metallic objects, technology, or even metallic beings?

2 19

Here's something to make your spurs jingle! Cowboys/Outlaws!

Which OCs do you have are legit the real deal or fit the aesthetic of these rumble tumble bad boys from the yee old west?

5 8

I've played this character for 8.5 sessions and I love them.
As an eladrin, they've started in their winter form and switched to spring after a tavern crawl.
I'll do some questions that aren't so spoilery!

0 4

any of your OCs have a Voice actors/actress?
my boy Tony is voiced my the talented

3 13

Having a rough night tonight. If you guys would like to pick an oc question number for Brennan, leave a reply and I'll draw his responses when I can later 🥰

2 7