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LoOk aT mY pOo-TifUL poRtFolioooooooo 💩🖤💩 @OddFrens What a great day in crypto, guess I’ll just continue bleeding money on NFTs 🫣 #OddFrens #OddFrensGang #OddFollowOdd #OddPets #web3me #Rekt
rEmeMbeR dUriNg uNcertAin tImeS reMaiN oDd aNd tO toUch bAse wItH yoUr fRens
#OddFrens #OddPets #OddFrensGang #oddfollowodd
sOME leSSONs tom learNt:
bE YoUrsELF. YOU'lL EvEnTUaLlY find PEoPlE LiKe yOu.
dON't cHange yoUrself juSt To FIt IN. WhAT'S ODd TO ThEm, dOEsn'T NEed To be ODD FOr You.
alWaYs asK FOR HeLp. thErE's No nEeD tO tRY AnD eXert OUrsELveS ESPEciAlLy WheN HeLP IS aVAILABLe.
pUbLic MiNt is LiVe...
BoTH OdD anD nOn OdD FrEnS cAn MiNt.
a mySerIouS cREaTure aWaiTs wiTHiN thE boX.
ALl wILL bE ReVEALeD aFteR 24 hOuRsss
Mint Link: https://t.co/csZ9bP0OUE
ฬєɭς๏๓є Շ๏ ๏๔๔ ฬ๏гɭ๔
Got myself a real Odd rockstar
#OddFrensGang #OddFrens #odd #NFTs #NFTCommunity #FreeMint #Rockstar
Just picked up my number THreE because I want the bOX
#OddFrens #OddFrensGang @OddFrens https://t.co/VayhavTZ16
$ETH has dumped me, lost my house to $LUNA, and I'm still odd-looking. This week I found @OddFrens , and moving to Odd World was the best decision I've ever made. I finally have Frens, and we can be friends in our own Odd way, in our own Odd World. Thank you Tom ❤️#OddFrens
TOm WALkS CloSeR AnD clOser to WHeRE ThE SoUnD WAS CoMING froM.
On arrIvAl, hE fINdS A mYstERiouS Box.
thE souNd WAs CoMInG from thE bOx, IT shAKeS viGoROuSlY, SOmethinG aLIVE WAS InSIDE...
anY sEconD nOw... SomETHing IS AbOUT TO RiP oPeN froM InsIDE ThE Box...
EVeRYoNe wAs fRigHteNEd.
What was ThIS SOUnD?
whY waS iT coMINg FroM tHE faCtoRY?
WhaT coUlD iT BE?
TOM WanteD tO IMPRess hiS NeW Odd FRenS And DeCiDEd tO mAKe HiS WAy TO tHe fActOrY tO FiNd OuT WhAT WAs MaKIng THiS sOUNd.
WHaT wILL He fiND oNcE He GeTs there?
The drip of the nose and the drip of the pizza 🤌
#OddFrens #OddFrensGang