
2 9

Fall time…. I want some overripe persimmons _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):

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"Art Commission for Anon of their WoL" by Sad-Persimmon-986

0 9

柿Pさん(@ Persimmon__P )宅の蝉川悠くんと当方稲宮日向子でCPを組ませて頂きました…🎉ありがとうございます!

4 9

In Houryuji Temple I eat persimmon at the same time the bell rings!

2 13

The first persimmon of this fall~

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芋 柿 栗 (Sweet Potato, Persimmon, Chestnut)

1 3

. 『籠の中は柿でいっぱい』
(The basket is full of persimmons)

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🎨Ryohei Tanaka 1933-2019
Japanese artist
“Persimmons of ruin n.2”

25 51


柿ひとつ <Kaki (Japanese Persimmon)> 1974年 きりえ/和紙・洋紙、墨・水彩 24.5×24.4cm

138 1193

. 『隣の客は良く柿食う客だ』
(The guy next to me is a good persimmon eater.)

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chilling at the oneshot, here's my half-orc cleric Persimmon ❄️✨

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