Hello Yoboy! Sadly your DMS are closed 🔐 but you can message me if you like your pokémonfanatic artist here style💌💌💌⤵️

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It isn't very different from Kantonian Diglett ^^

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I jumped one generation to finish the family. Loads easier to draw then Glalie.

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I have to admit, I really am not a fan of Glalie's design and I am not very happy with my art of it, but it's good enough, I guess.

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we made it! final piece of my twice as eeveelutions— tzuyu eevee :D

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I regret that I didn't finish this yesterday. It was cat day in Japan.

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Icy baby. I liked doing the shading on that one.

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I always found it funny that this is the only one who isn't lazy in the whole line.

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Surfer Boy! I love this one a LOT. I love Raichu and seeing that it got a regional form that also redesigns it so clever and adds psychic type was so good!

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I didn't like the first Gardevoir I did, but I don't know, something is still amiss here.

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I wanted for it to jump while dancing. I am actually proud of this one.

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I wanted for it to look surprised, but my husband said it looks like it is singing, so I guess it's singing.

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I traced the hands, but the rest I did on my own. I especially love the fire coming from the wrists.

This is the last Pokémon for a little while, I need to draw something private next.

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