Nell'amore astratto per l'umanità quasi sempre si finisce per amare solo sé stessi.

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This week on Cape Chronicles:
Royale and Quasiraptor sneak out from the meeting and have a heart to heart! Does Royale let Quasi in? How does Quasi react? Find out in S2E9, "PaleoTherapy," available now on your favorite podcatcher

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È uscito Confronti di febbraio!
👉 Acquistalo qui:

A quasi 30 mesi dalla sua scomparsa, abbiamo dedicato questo numero a Mario Paciolla, il cooperante italiano trovato morto nella sua abitazione in Colombia il 15 luglio 2020.

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"Il cuore le si sbatteva dentro quasi avesse messo le ali e anelasse a volar via"
-Grazia Deledda
🖌Catrin Welz-Stein

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Ooof. The quasi-"cop" Superman take worked for me in The New Frontier because it is something he grows out of, not ends up as. As does Diana's portrayal in it and her reaction to Kal's attitudes/beliefs. It certainly isn't whatever that femme fatale style dialogue is aiming for.

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Strenggenommen muss man sagen dass Yamato aktuell noch einen lebenden Freund hat, nämlich den Number Fuga(wie Oda FPS Band 103 auch sagte)
Es ist quasi das Kakashi Guy Ding zwischen den beiden😂😂😂

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ℹ️ Info di servizio: su è disponibile dal 27 gennaio il film pellicola che celebra il 50esimo anniversario del franchise di Lupin e i quasi 40 di Occhi di gatto con un crossover inedito tra ladri.

✍️🏻 Mie due parole:

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Akko - Little Witch Academia
Maya - Ace attorney games
Myne - Ascendance of Bookworm

Mdrr leur coupe quasiment similaire est involontaire, mes persos fav ont souvent cette coupe

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c'est pas vrai, un titre que j'attendais tellement, sort en numérique😭😭
et qu'on me dise pas qu'il va pouvoir aussi sortir en format papier, les chances que çà arrive, maintenant, est presque quasi nulle

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Non mia; ma entro lo spazio
riemersa, in me tremi,
fatta buio ed altezza.

Judy Drew

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Dans la vente Old Masters Part I , le Portrait d'homme (quasi inédit) de Bronzino a obtenu 9 M$ (est. 3/5M), l'étude de Saint Jérôme de Van Eyck est vite montée puis s'est arrêtée au milieu de son estimation (2,5 M$). L'Ecce Homo de Titienvendu récemment comme suiveur

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I've been exploring the quasi-realistic abstractions in SD yesterday, and it is fascinating how different can the same sets of prompts turn out depending on model used.

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‘Nobody wants to stay cooped up here forever.’ ✨

I don’t just draw lions you know 😉

Quasi and his bird 🕊️

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Je viens de voir qu'il va sortir sur une certaine plateforme numérique, je suis trop déçu😭
je voulais tellement qu'il soit publié et on sait que les chances maintenant que ça arrive sont quasi nul

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Su cento persone:
Che ne sanno sempre più degli altri
- Cinquantadue.
Insicuri ad ogni passo
- Quasi ttt gli altri.
Pronti ad aiutare
purché non duri molto
- Ben quarantanove.
Buoni a ttt i costi,
perché nn sanno fare altro
- Quattro

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I was listening to something from the Hunchback of Notre Dame soundtrack and just realized they “beautified” Quasimodo’s face in the album artwork and that REALLY pisses me off

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“Erba vista contro luce, che sorge, poco fitta, sottile e diritta: quasi un filtro, un’arpa…vicinissima alla terra, ecco la mia lira definitiva”

Philippe Jaccottet


Valérie Morin

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Congratulations, anon... You've found an...
Ultra-Rare Quasi-Omnipotent Googolplex Hyperspatial Pepe

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STudiiies je faisait encore quasi que des dessins aux feutres pour enfant en aout

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Sketch and closeups. I used Scott Hartman’s 2016 Shonisaurus as ref, pterosaurs are quasi Carniadactylus AND THE ECTOPARASITES ARE SPECULATIVE. We don’t have direct evidence that they hosted any, but I figure slower ones might have less invasive barnacle-like creatures on em

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