🐔Takanashi Kiara in the morning.


26 72

Como osas hablarme asi Quaso Skullter?!
hshshs asemas me referia que si lo pones asi tienes razon hshs

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Fun guess, we all know it's gonna be quaso hairstyle

42 374

All the quaso I’ve seen made me think of this hairstyle

14 130

Contexto: me gusta y también quería mostrarle a como lo vemos la legión de los no pudd etiquetar a todos xd

2 12

Welcome to le Hololive cafe, may I serve you an order of quaso with lamb, prepared by our quaso expert (she's a dog though)

0 5

I didn't get the "Quaso" bit at first because I came in the stream 2 hours late. Having gotten a chance to watch the parts I missed,,, I just have further questions now. Anywho here's a quick pic of Kiara eating a croissant.

18 93

Read Mousou Telepathy btw, great manga!

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