My only problem with

Is that I have too many and can’t fit all my favorite Quirkies and Quirklings into one screenshot anymore 😓😂

So excited for 2023 in Quirksville ❤️

15 65

⚠️ Just added 10x hopping back into the top 10😍 thank you for this wild deal and everything you’re making possible in ‼️💯

building in silence is over, are you prepared for what is coming?!

69 178

We are OFF💥

The QuirksWatch has begun gathering funds and we have officially made our first two purchases!🧹

Stay tuned in the coming days for a thread on our GOALS and VISION🔥

We are guardians of the wall, The QuirksWatch!⚔️


41 113

Aiming to make a big move in this quirkies set can go for 3,5 ETH (floor is 4,5).

Dead plain trait 0,44%.

Just ETH, no trading. DM me.

3 27

Big CONGRATULATIONS and welcome to

0 0

My small collection! Populating Quirksville!

8 67

Thanks to a deal with .jpgpapii, collected my cute 2nd alpha set! I am ready for Quirksville!

22 69

It’s about time I finally joined this awesome community
This is just the start & the first of many, some say traits matter 3 sub 0.09% traits. She’s kinda cute think my daughter will love her 💛💜💙

35 124

Smooth trade, smooth onboarding . Loving your energy and support for two awesome communities and .
Alpha set acquired. New resident of

42 133

Hi! Im from Too bad I’ve faded at 0,05🤣 too late now😭 I hear many holders overlap in both communities😍. These are some of my precious 👇

0 5

I’m super hyped to announce I joined the community!! Also super big shoutout to for giving me the fire deal, and helping so much along the way! Great guy says a lot about him!!! Where my at🔒📈🛠️

37 126

Gave in, did a little mini sweep and grabbed 3 more lings 🧹

14 62

Sheesh 😁

My Quirks are quirking and my Lings are Linging

It’s ON up in

10 52

I just Aped in , thanks to for the DMs chat about the community plans. and to for the smooth sale.
Does Quirkie follows Quirkie ? or it is just an Urban Legend ??

61 227

welcome to wifey. Nice start for !! I don't even have a ling yet 😅


31 113

Only 14 double squid sets. Only 2 triple squids. 1 bagged. Thanks to a 3-way trade with my boys and , was able to vault a triple squid rainbow face. And since and coming, why not secure a trait that is unique in LFG

17 80

"Rise and shine, Unless you are a squid, of course. Then rise an die. Lmaololololololololo!!!!"

6 48