Keeping up my goal of drawing one every day for the next few days, I drew ! I had a late start to this today but I am getting much more efficient!

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day 18 ‘Sensing nature’ - multisensory exploration with key stage 3 at Pennfields School - collage and assemblage

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Please share your the best one wins. Ends in 24 hours. RT and tag your friends. Good luck!

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In a world where you can be anything, be kind! ❤️
Let's do more of that! 😻

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Here's some free printable kindness cards. Fill them out and and hide them for strangers or loved ones to find.
Where would you hide them? ❤️

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Hiya My pointers for you, I like to keep them simple.

1. Smile, a simple smile can help someone by knowing they are seen

2. A small gift, like a packet of biscuits, given to a homeless person

3. Always say thank you, it makes people happy

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all I want in the world right now is the mint to be palette..colourpop is almost all I use now and that palette is my dream!

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Day 17: Say something nice about a pal.
is the nicest man on the planet.

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To celebrate here's Fletcher being kind to a very small rabbit and his favourite tree. Be kind, today and every day (art by Tiphanie Beeke from

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Happy Today everyone who retweets this can have the for free! (download link will be sent)

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On please consider adopting a cat or making a donation to your local rescue centre. There are so many that need your help and support. Here’s a list of places in you can visit:

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'No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.'

Aesop - The Lion and the Mouse

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Happy Tag the last person who did something kind for you 💖

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I hope you take some time today to celebrate World Kindness Day 🌎💖

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Fifi und Babsy machen die Welt ein bisschen besser.

Wie das?

Gute Frage! Das hat etwas mit dem Begriff "RAOK" zu tun.

Immer noch nicht schlauer? Dann schaut doch mal in unseren Blog 😁🤭


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