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This comic was inspired by one of the VN modes on Day 9-- somehow this scene just really stood out to me, so I wanted to draw it 😭
#mysticmessenger #saeran #rayroute #saeranchoi
#mysticmessenger #saeran #rayroute #saeranchoi
👀Tsun-tsun-tsundere-tsundere-tsun (?)
Tried to focus on work related projects... mission failed. 😭 Here’s to procrastination!! And Saeran too!! ❤️😊 #MysticMessenger #Saeran #saeranchoi #rayroute
New comic! ❤️ #mysticmessenger #saeran #saeranchoi #rayroute #Saeyoung
My precious charming boy #saeran charm design 🌹💕
#mysticmessenger #ray #rayroute
Comic inspired by the Normal Ending! Saeran mentioned that he made MC angry on purpose, so I wanted to try drawing it XD; #mysticmessenger #saeran #rayroute #saeranchoi
CG redraw from Mystic messengers #RayRoute cos I’m trash and needed to draw Saeran from this particular CG ;; I do enjoy men in suits 😎#mysticmessenger #cheritz #cheritzfanart #mysticmessengerfanart
I wonder when he got his tattoo...
#mysticmessenger #saeran #rayroute #unknown #ray
yeah I did enjoy #rayroute after playing it although the ending was uhh..
#mysticmessenger #saeran
Lighting practice
#mysticmessenger #saeran #rayroute #unknown #ray
Inspired by Day 10~ (Help I can't stop wanting to draw Saeran comics) #mysticmessenger #saeran #rayroute #saeranchoi
Hab für Ray's Route ein kleines MC Diary erstellt :D Diese Seite ist eher generell gehalten~ Die anderen sind auf Rays Route bezogen, also eine Seite für einen Tag ovo
Werde die Seiten aber nicht viel ausarbeiten, sondern einfach nur colorieren :3
#mysticmessenger #RayRoute
Tarde cuatro días en hacer esto y valio la pena completamente, Ray de Another Story 💕✨#mysticmessenger #cheritz #mysticmessengerray #rayroute
Sorry I was a bit late. HAPPY VALENTINES Y'ALL! ❤️💜
"Happiness will find us."
#mysticmessenger #mysticmessengersaeran #saeran #uknown #MysticmessengerRay #ray #mysmesart #anotherstory #rayroute
Happy Valentine's Day~! 😎
#mysticmessenger #saeran #rayroute #saeranchoi
Noch einen Tag und ich bin mit Rays Route durch und whaaa! +_+ Ich wurde nicht enttäuscht, es war richtig toll :D (Außer irgendwer wird in dieser Zwischenzeit noch sterben, dann nicht)
#mysticmessenger #RayRoute