The Dran & Courtier was an inn in Red Larch that secretly served as testing ground for recruits of the adventuring company Acquisitions Incorporated

📖: Acquisitions Incorporated

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Battle dolphins, sometimes just called dolphins, were spelljammers designed with commercial space voyages in mind

📖: The Legend of Spelljammer
🎨: Jim Holloway & Les Dorscheid

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Sorrowsworn were a breed of tanar'ri demon that preyed upon feelings of grief and loss.

📖: MM4e
🎨: Dave Allsop

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Due to their habit of swallowing entire boats whole, treasure could be found within the stomach of a sperm whale.

📖: Rime of the Frostmaiden

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Glazhael the Cloudchaser was a white dragon allied with the reformed Cult of the Dragon of Severin Silrajin

📖: Hoard of the Dragon Queen
🎨: Guido Kuip

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A display of power from a hellfire warlock.

📖: Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells
🎨: Tom Baxa

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Shadow sea serpents were bred by the Shadovars combining the worst aspects of carnivorous whales and creatures from the Plane of Shadow.

📖: Anauroch: The Empire of Shade
🎨: William O'Connor

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Explorers examining the ruins of Cendriane, an old eladrin city that existed in both Faerûn and in the Feywild.

📖: PHB 5e
🎨: Eric Belisle

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The zaratani were huge turtles that lived in the seas surrounding Zakhara

📖: Monstrous Manual

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An avatar of Moradin forging an item

📖: Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
🎨: Craig J. Spearing

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The Grandfather Tree was an arakhor, which appeared as a monstrously large, gnarled oak tree located deep in the heart of the High Forest.

📖: Storm King's Thunder
🎨: Jared Blando

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Death giants were a race of giants who dwelled in Anauroch. Bound to the Negative Energy plane after a deal with a dark power, their souls were doomed to destruction at death

📖: MM 3
🎨: Wayne Reynolds

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Narnra Shalace leaps with murderous intent upon an unsuspecting Elminster who stands on a balcony overlooking Waterdeep.

📖: Elminster's Daughter
🎨: J.P. Targete

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Halisstra Melarn was a drow priestess of House Melarn in Ched Nasad. At her "death," she was turned into a demonic servant of Lolth known as the Lady Penitent.

📖: Extinction

1 13

Spinagons, or spined devils, were winged, porcupine-like devils that delivered messages to other, more powerful devils

📖: MM 4e
🎨: Dave Allsop

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Yuki-on-na were evil creatures native to the cold regions of Kara-Tur. They despised and loathed all humans.

📖: Oriental Adventures 3e
🎨: Cris Dornaus

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Cloakers were intelligent creatures that dwelt underground and resembled large flying manta rays when active. At rest, they looked like a black cloak, hence their name.

📖: MM 3.5

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The Ring of Winter was a potent artifact, said to be able to grant immortality, summon white dragons, and freeze whole worlds.

📖: Tomb of Annihilation

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A smuggler making a covert early morning delivery to Yartar

📖: Princes of the Apocalypse
🎨: Craig J. Spearing

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Gar Shatterkeel, the Prophet of Water and servant of Olhydra, bore a large mechanical crab claw for an arm.

🎨: Raymond Swanland

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