Imagine being some japanese kid in 1990, your playing Metal Gear 2 on the MSX.
Then some greasy, bearded, American says "wow your based and redpilled like us, that's pretty poggers and kek".

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Não seja esse "casal" de três Wolverine, Jean Grey and Cyclops

arte de Vinnysaart

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This meme "redpilled" me and I hate it

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"Red Pilled" - My rendition of my favorite scene in one of my favorite movies. "Remember, all I’m offering is the truth, nothing more." via

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Finalmente terminei, a Asuka da
Terminei o processo chato em off-stream mesmo, tava redpillado pra terminar mesmo.

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Jamais deixei Wolverine frequentar a sua casa e esposa for ruiva senão.......

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Good morning, frens! Its Croctober 19th, and something those who hang around us long enough will realize is that we are truly a very odd little community. From redpill rocks to right-wing crocs, android frogs and cartoon dogs, we're a strange family! Embrace the weird!

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Tfw that feel when too based and redpilled to get fat tiddy commission from Strype

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Tfw too redpilled to get a comission from Strype

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redpill me on this donkey girl from Arknights

she looks very headpattable

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His mother was of the sky, his father was of the earth, but is out here dispensing redpills, and you know what it's worth.

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You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

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"REEEE based redpilled libtard autism commie maga drumpf delete this clown"

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Ok Fighting Game Fans, I need your help:
Redpill me on Ramlethal.
I get that she is important to the lore of GG & such, but I don't see anything really outstanding about her.
I mean, if you see one emotionless scantidly clad robo waifu with giant swords, you've seen them all

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wOw HaHA sOcIEty heHe rEdpiLl

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Nofap + Banho Gelado + MGTOW + comer carne crua + comer virado pra parede + biohack + dormir no chão + gritar no escuro + mewing + HBD + PUA + jelq + dormir 5 horas por dia + café gelado sem açúcar + hipismo + compilação mitadas Enéas + alho cru + podcast do Joe Rogan + redpill

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Redpill Anniversary
In the futur, these two are gonna meet and fall in love for each other.
For now, Pills is still sad and living a lonely love life.
But in 2043, she’s gonna be the happiest woman on earth

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