# nj fishstew mahimahi yuchoy cilantro carrots greenonions leftover porkneckbonesbroth gastronomia fooddesign collageart relajado vida homecook porkstirfry bittermelon onions garlicpowder groundginger soysauce sesameoil cherrytomatoes oliveoil oilpainting stilllifepainting allaprima varnishing londonartist artistoninstagram beanmix beansoup chickenthighs celery plumtomatoes vegetablbase gardensalad beets grilledchickenbreastsandwiches toastedkaiserrolls cheddar hardboiledeggs chocolatechipcookies oatmeal grilledsteak montrealsteakseasoning roastedpotatoes dessert merenguepie redraspberries blackraspberries roastedcauliflower porkneckbones toastedchiabatta nk artsandhealth artmatters breakfastmatters gardeningmatters humormatters ethicsmatters volunteer voluntariado rotisseriechicken homegrownplumtomatoes hardboiledegg calamataolives romaine fieldgreens grilledbonelessporkribs rice cucumbers spaghetti roastedgarlictomatosauce shrimp basil kaiserroll cheese grilledcheeseburgers cornoncob homegrowntomatoes art arte risotto chorizo chives sauteedcod freshcornkernels choppedgarlic peppers tamari tomatosalad spicyeggplant floured eggwash mozzarella smokedgouda bottledmarinarasauce potatosalad realism contemporaryrealism realistart realistpainter impressionism contemporaryimpressionism lpapa lpapaartist lpapasignatureartist opa oilpaintersofamerica opasignaturemember ais americanimpressionistsociety aissignaturemember veggiewontons panfried veggiebroth tofu whitewine waterchestnuts veggiebullion soymustarddippingsauce roastedbrusselsprouts collagesart familyvisit grandchildren diningout healthcare healthcareworkers prevention bestpractices portraitpainting paintingoftheday audreyhepburn portraitpainter expressionism giving giveback communityfocus sustainability conservation

‘One of the most pleasant things to do after the painting’s done.’ ...Come and check out more of his work at Delta House Open Studios this weekend.

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"What is that you express in your eyes? It seems to me more than all the print I have read in my life."

-- Walt Whitman

Yellow Audrey by Joya Cousin, 2017

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