La empresa japonesa Amnibus saco su nueva línea de artículos de Equestria Girls con personajes como Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash y Pinkie Pie con su estilo de anime, entre sus prodictos incluye camisetas, tazas, llaveros, estuches, etc.


1 7

THANK YOU ALL FOR 3K!!!! i never would've prodicted to ever grow this much in the span of 2 years, yall are amazing, much love!!!!!

20 257

Original - View of with Land Rainbow,
I miss going to Arran and staying at the It will be lovely to get back there some day.
Click here to buy this of Arran👇

6 9

I found some time this evening to finish this off. As promised, here's the coloured version of Axelrodichthys araripensis! I went with a greenish-grey colouration since this species was likely frequenting the brackish and coastal waters of the Lower Cretaceous Araripe Basin.

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It's indeed a coral, but probably some larger Devonian coral, like Pleurodictyum. It's quite common in Ontario and northern NY (pink areas on this map).

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6月11日 入梅




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Watercolour of 1877, 'River Mouth at Brodick, Arran' by Norwegian painter Hans Gude (1825 - 1903).

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A potential prey item for Spinosaurus is Axelrodichthys. (Previously known as Mawsonia.) I considered drawing Onchopristis but we've seen plenty of those already so I chose to draw the next best thing.

3 58

So CJ (aka the dude in the banner) is a more parodic character that i never thought i would use. it was a joke making that character. but i guess it stuck.... anyways this is actually me.

3 15

👇the winning artworks for the Brodick Castle Projection competition, well done Brodick Primary, Corrie Primary, Pirnmill Primary & Whiting Bay Primary! Can’t wait to see them light up the castle...

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4月9日 よいPマンの日




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Haven't drawn my character Rodica Azis in a while, so I drew her in this interesting summer outfit, with the angle view to match lol.

1 1

Sanguanyll, the leaching lady
queen of the Necrodicans and professional herbalist
her outfit is centred around the emblematic flower of her kingdom, the necrodaisy, a flower able to suck the life
of beings and amplify it once it withers or is eaten.

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So I wanted to draw tonight but was having a hard time, but after a break, got back into it and wanted to draw OCs from another user. I asked permission just in case. Anyways here's Chad and Frodick (OCs from ) thank you for letting me draw them! It was fun!

43 252

I just happened to be working on some fish during
Here's a sneek peek of a larger piece I'm working on.
Axelrodichthys, although the ones from the Kem Kem Group were previously known as Mawsonia.

11 81

>Lets go ahead and write an Azula redemption arc. We're now a Woke Orwellian Society which means Female Antagonists are now just tragic characters who're just biprodicts of their environment and deserve a 2nd chance

>She promoted Earth Genocide

>Yes but that was mostly Ozai

3 10

cw// bruises, pee
fuck it microdick nishiki

24 74

Sotto la superficie convenzionale del testo austeniano scorre una vena parodica che destabilizza molti dei valori cui l’autrice apparentemente si adegua : non ritrae asetticamente la serena Inghilterra Regency,ma mostra la pressione delle convenzioni sociali su quella società.

13 27

colored sketches!
Trying to be more prodictive this year with drawing, I want to update at least once a week and develop my style more 💕

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