I’m touching the void, I seek and destroy to be reborn.
Bleed and destroy, the sacrifice of war...

- Void

12 42

Día 4. Vacío
Day 4. Void
"Quizá piensen que al abrazar al vacio cambié para mal, pero sólo me hizo descubrir quién era en realidad"

"You may think that by embracing the void I changed for the worse, but it only made me discover who I really was"

7 15

and : Void/Balance

It's been a while since I've drawn both sisters, and I thought it was fitting.

0 7

"Pyliphra, why?"
My green dragon Noranre is abducted into the nightmare by her own sister. Prompt for "Dreams" but it's more like a nightmare 🥀

6 17

Sabíais que los draenei tenían la sangre azul? pues ya lo sabéis, de nada.

1 6

We all pay for the things we’ve done.

- Blood

27 75

Day 3: Blood

"All I need is to remember how it was to feel alive."

0 4

Woop woop, it's October again, and we all know what that means. Inktober and art challenges! This year I've changed it up a bit, following my personal set of Inktober rules and using the prompt list as WoW is a favorite game of mine.

Day 1: Stars

0 7

Sometimes I dream about what I used to be.

1 4

Hah’we just dreams with one thing... maybe two, cause mohawks are cool.

- dreams.

52 180

Day 2: Dream

Oh nooo I did the DREAM dragon for the dream prompt, no one expected that at all 😳 Anyway Aterius was the obvious choice for today! His drake form instead of his elven this time.

16 46

Nadie lo sabe, pero mi niño quería seguir la tradición familiar materna y ser joyero, PERO, shit happens.

1 7