Little comic on Juberiot ship.
Ruberiot gets trapped by Justin Towers once again.

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::Adjusts pretentious glasses:: For the record, I shipped it before it was canon.

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All my favorite expressions that Ruberiot has in sarca arts!
I love so much!

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Ruberiot and the Love Sentence are on summer holiday at the beach.
Justin will always try to flirt with Ruberiot.

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The rays of the sun that illuminates his face and wakes him up.
After the night that Ruberiot passed, he would have preferred to stay in bed.

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Well, the wedding/marriage between Ruberiot and Justin Towers happens after the events of the series.
Star Butterfly, Marco Diaz, Tom Lucitor, Love Sentence, Foolduke, Fool's Mokey Mime Girl.
※ Please don't judge or criticize what I think or draw.

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Foolduke and the Mime Girl who use Ruberiot's computer, that gives that.
It's going to end badly for him.

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It's the with Ruberiot!
(with 1 day late but I have been busy enough for the moment) sorry sorry!

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Ruberiot with empty eyes.
"I'm blind yet I see the light"

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New coloring style for doodles.
Ruberiot and Justin Towers
I ship Juberiot!

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Little ideas, Ruberiot and Foolduke and doodles

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The Love Sentence is back on stage with Ruberiot, songstrel of Mewni.
With costumes on the theme of the prison.

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Ruberiot and Justin Towers.
The best duo music !!

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Monday: Breaking the News.
Ruberiot was so shocked that he composed Eclipsa's Coronation Song in less than two seconds.

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I love this trio "La Resistance".
The best trio ever !!
Ruberiot, Mime Girl and Foolduke

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Ruberiot with long hair.
This look fits him well but I prefer it with his usual hair length.
(He looks feminine with long hair 😂)

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Doodles of the ship Juberiot~
Ruberiot and Justin so cute 🤪

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Justin's just sooo beautiful and Ruberiot's cute~
A perfect music duo!

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