Quick doodle I did last night of my AI baby Sakae from my AU. She is confused by Aiba's existence okay. Like wtf is this thing and why did it pop out of Date's eye socket. Ew

I forgot to color a speech bubble and I will not fix it 🤪

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Special illustration for the manga adaptation of the light novel, "Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai Suru", by Sakae Esuno, promoting the Vol.6 compilation of the series.

It will have an anime adaptation soon.

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Even more AITSF next gen content~ But here is child Sakae Date. She is sweet, kind of shy, likes books, will give you random fun facts, and is overall just baby. She is also blind in one eye because shit happened but she is okay.

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I'm still going through my massive art backlog so more old art from the AITSF next gen LOL. Sakae goes Nya and makes bad cat puns despite her normally deadpan nature (girl a specimen tbh)

Mizuki still adores the baby sis but plz Sakae why

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Messy sketch in between working on ref sheets. Its child Sakae Date, isnt she cute?

She likes books and headpats. She also rarely speaks and is very shy

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This is the sweetest fox you will ever meet @/Sakae_Izumi cant wait for more of your streams, miss you and thank you for always being you 💙

🎨: @/akutaaaaaa

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Some old doodles of my AI OCs Sakae and Adam featuring Mizuki :p

Sakae is Aro Ace because I am on the Aro spectrum and also Asexual so I project onto my main gals~

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More AI next gen AU stuff this is Adam, Sakae's AI-ball. He picked up a lot of Kaname Date traits to be more comforting to Sakae (Sakae hates it here.) Adam takes good care of her~ He makes sure she sleeps and gives her medication.

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She might not look like it but Sakae Date dose in fact go Nya at people and makes cat puns. Yes she is deadpan af but she is also a little cringe sometimes.

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『透色の秋 全国ツアー2022 ~愛知~』

日程 2022年10月8日

会場 Lion Limited Sakae

開場/開演 16:00/16:45

公演チケット 一般¥2500
一般先着 9/17 20:00


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Another drawing of my AI next gen spawn Sakae Date. Iris and Mizuki drug her out of her depression hole because Sakae either works or sleeps unless you make her go out and be part of society.

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Sakae Date had an emo phase in high school. She was rocking the emo alt look until she joined Abis and decided to change her look a bit (she is still alt at heart though)

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You all seem interested in my AI kid so I will reintroduce her. Her name is Sakae Date and she is Date's oopsie child. In my AU Date never got his body back hence why she is blond and has some other issues. She is a deadpan lady

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Woke up in a cold sweat at 3am to draw this

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I have a massive backlog of art I need to post from my Instagram. I haven't posted much of my Mizuki and Sakae from my AU or like what Sakae actually looks like in my AU (Sakae is 21 in the main story) but shhhhh

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A baby Sakae Date appeared

She wasn't always moody

I should share my AI next gen lore sometime

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本日15:00〜薬膳BAR SAKAE()にてお待ちしております🙇‍♂️

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