Quick drawing of , otherwise known as Better Call Saul's compellingly menacing drugs lord Lalo Salamanca.

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Lalo Salamanca Doc Scratch

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Bueno pues terminado y enviado el cuadro para el concurso de Jóvenes Pintores de La Gaceta de Salamanca.
Básicamente “Titánide” es una reflexión sobre la figura de la madre a través del mito de Leto, diosa de la noche y madre de Apolo y Artemisa. Óleo sobre lienzo 146x114 cm

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These are two of the characters of my new comic which crowdfunding is still active for a few more days! 👉 https://t.co/GWIjUyKBJt☀️A post-apocalyptic story that explores the desertification of Central Spain https://t.co/5VStUKGdAP

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The crowdfunding of my comic is 61% backed so far! There're 18 days left of campaign
👉 https://t.co/WV3WZgcuEh ☀️ Rewards for backers include the printed comic(English/Spanish)+Art prints+stickers+Riso prints 😀 https://t.co/J4FVjm6DQN

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Lalo salamanca

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Esta es La Cazadora, uno d los personajes principales d mi nuevo comic Me inspiré en la desertificación d España, mi comic transcurre en el futuro, cuando casi toda la península es un gran desierto y la humanidad casi se ha extinguifo pe… https://t.co/zhIdIyqWdM

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These are the 3 main characters of my new comic Salamanca Blues forced to flee the ruins of Salamanca and to cross the dangerous desert... my comic explores the outcomes of climate change and the desertification of Spain with humour and fantasy. Crowdfun… https://t.co/4AE4Xc147T

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Mi nuevo cómic también està disponible en castellano👉 https://t.co/PgTxBZmXgf 🦎versión digital £5, y ahora también è papel! Si te interesa una copia en papel en castellanO contacta directamente conmigo y te la envío https://t.co/LUhC8M8CWh

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In the dystopian future of my comic food is a problem and hunting giant insects is what people do to survive&for... the offering. I'm still crowdfunding, 51% backed so far💪👉 https://t.co/5jGIlbaeZy There're still a few more days to … https://t.co/wOIt2DzLr0

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Mimo, from my comic Salamanca Blues, is an illusionist whose street performances are considered heresy! Read review about my new new comic 👉https://t.co/A0EkUH90IN
🦎49% funded on Indiegogo so far👉https://t.co/TmcgZPogK2 https://t.co/uRfyAeUldJ

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These are the ex-priest&Mimo, main characters of my I'm to print my comic! 49% so far! If you'd like to support me, have a look at the rewards👉 https://t.co/5jGIlbaeZy ☀️ printed+digital comic, art prints, sticke… https://t.co/LpdWyIL9C0

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I quite like this man, twitter pls dont ruin the quality g

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This is the moment when c0ffee becomes Hector Salamanca
Done by
Thanks sm!!

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"i watched better call saul for the plot"
the plot:

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