Quan acabes una lectura i saps que passarà a formar part dels imprescindibles del catàleg de la Biblioteca ...

"La cólera" de i

4 8

I give u Molly Ostgood, ratling acrobat turned guardswoman. Made for a homebrew regiment cobbled together out of our planetary governer's gladiatorial entertainers and whatever other poor saps he could hastily throw together. Our crew's hot mess and it's gonna be great.

3 5

my saps make me smile 😙❤️‍🔥

4 21

✨Estar en una relació a distància ja és difícil, però si no saps quan podràs tornar a veure’t amb la teva parella, ho fa insuportable. 😢

0 2

saps què em passa amb el teu twitch? que mai sé si estas en directe o no, perquè la teva icona és en blanc i negre xD (en el moment de la captura estaves en directe)

0 1

don limpio, el típic noi que no saps si és nazi o antifa

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Ewww what romantic saps, how dare they be in love publicly!!!

Art by !

15 107

Next Friday we drop the rest of Chrysalis. Astraea wood 🌳 take back her moth at all costs. Can Lloyd leaf 🍁 before she saps 💧 everything from him? Subscribe and find out! https://t.co/J0e5FqPoXf

13 63

ゴードン・ダグラス監督作、Saps at Sea (1940)を見る。警笛工場の騒音でちとイカれ気味になったハーディは、大ボケのローレルを従えて船上の療養に出かけるのだが。60分弱と短めだが、分刻みで様々なギャグが連打される非常に密度の濃い作品。教訓や哀愁なんぞどこ吹く風、清々しいほどのナンセンス。

6 24

so Gyro's kindness is what prevents him from freezing when using his powers (groan)

if he pushes too much or loses his way, he risks "freezing over", which saps the "warmth" in his heart, making him more powerful, much colder (quite literally) and could totally kill him.

0 4

Creus que ja saps tota la història de la Doremi i les altres? Creus que a l'Ojamajo Team només subtitulem coses? Doncs no i no! La Màgica Doremi continua a la saga oficial de novel·les "La Màgica Doremi 16", i l'estem traduint! Pròximament!

9 37

Sometimes your week has been The Worst and saps all your motivation for literally anything so you just start painting your OC's stupid dumb face being Stupid

0 10

This is lilly(+Sebastian and lock) she’s a runaway half artificial human experiment.
She has the ability to bring back the dead although it Saps her strength
She has no tattoos but would like to get one if she could decide on a design to cover the lab mark.

1 1

these two poor saps! i always associate vera lee by icp with their story... not 1:1 of course, as there’s no romantic undertones and yarbury isn’t DEAD it’s just. The vibes. the chorus mostly https://t.co/bWglOSHErv

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Kyle has unwittingly signed up for a "growth hormone study" that gives him huge muscles, a fat cock/balls, massive milk-laden pecs (a la Kartos), and saps his intelligence to become a dumb himbo wolf that's bound up and milked for profit by the corporation that "hired" him.

2 10

La Vella Quaresma és la representació gràfica del temps quaresmal, un període tradicionalment dominat per l'austeritat i l'abstinència.🐟

Saps per què té set cames?👠👟👞🥿👡👢🥾

Descobreix-ho aquí!👇

7 22

Happy valentines u lonely saps

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📩| Ets jove i no saps què votar aquest

Fes un cop d'ull a les propostes d', suma el teu vot per aconseguir

Perquè jove, 👇

25 32

No more politics dang it, nyu! Completely saps my joy and creativity. Feel icky just thinking about it back to doodles.

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Worry never robs
tomorrow of it's
sorrow. It only saps
today of it's joy.

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