See how the head of the state himself,is walking around in water and mud just to serve the people. Let this be an example.
Today Hon'ble CM, has visited the flood-affected areas of Bajali in

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We are happy to announce our partnership with Adepticon to host World Championships for and Join us from March 22-26, 2023, for these events! More details to come.

For more on Adepticon, click here:

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Pickup Speaker of
Farokh Sarmad

Good Thoughts. Good Words. Good Deeds. ✨

Builder, Investor, lover of JPEGs, gm of gm!
Join Discord below! 👇


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Nitro y Jerevy
Están pegados por la nuca, aprendieron a llevarse bien a las malas.
Nutto desarmaba cosas de chica para ver cómo eran por dentro y Jerevy es bueno en mates (?). Quieren hacer cosplays combinados pero no se ponen de acuerdo.

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Ni cagando porque a mí OC se le sale el brazo de por sí (tiene cuerpo de una muñeca y la chica se desarma) xD

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Artwork depicting Ashkhen who was of Sarmatian origins and wife of Tiridates III of Armenia.

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Marte disarmato da Venere
J.L. David 🔴🖼🎨♥️

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ウクライナの弓具メーカーSarmat Archeryは現在操業が困難 (黒海封鎖により部材の供給が滞っているため) な状況にある一方で、同社の運営する雑貨店は問題なく営業出来ているようです

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Day 2! Finally..

Sunflowers symbolise honesty, optimism and peace. They're also symbols of nuclear disarmament as they can absorb radioactive isotopes and were planted at Chernobyl and Fukushima.

So of course I drew c!Tubbo!

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A Ukrainian stamp from 2002 depicting Scytho-Sarmatians - 40 kopiyka cents.

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A crise da pingola mole nas forças desarmadas. Capítulo de hoje, a descoberta da compra de R$ 3,5 milhões em prótese penianas infláveis de silicone.

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Japonia chan incearca sarmale pentru prima oara ;w;
artist: GabbyDemo ❤️

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Hi, I am Sarma. I am a trans man and I make art

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Según el nuevo canon, los Sith deben obtener su sable de luz al derrotar a un Jedi en combate estando desarmados. Darth Vader obtuvo el suyo al localizar y asesinar a Kirak Infil'a, un poderoso Jedi que se salvó de la Purga al tomar el Voto Barash.

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