my first 2 designs for snow miku 2024 that I scrapped 🫶🫶

1. i thought a sashimi inspired skirt pattern would look nice
2. ramen inspired hatsune miku

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The Robot Sashimi is chilling

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Her full name is Susie "Sashimi" Sharkbait so yeah she's already a sashimi.

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おはりあ⊂( *・ω・ )⊃🍌🍌🍌


ー ー ー ー🌟

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I'm always the happiest and have the most fun when I spend time with friends! Whether it be just chatting or playing video games together! 🥺💖

Do you like fish sauce and sashimi? Cuz I can give you both 👉👈

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Ah so another sashimi-chan enters the fray 😏

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She did eat sashimi but it didn’t do anything to calm her nerves and in the end he gave her his jacket to cover. Miss girly is not used to showing so much forearm.

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. 『ふぐ刺しを一気食いする霊夢』
(Reimu takes a bite of fugu sashimi)

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. 『両手剣を振るい、刺身を切る』
(Swinging a two-handed sword, cutting the sashimi)

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. 『バターの刺身』
(Butter Sashimi)

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. 『カジノで刺身盛り合わせを食べる修道女』
(Nun eating sashimi platter at casino)

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