That taught me the character of Ben Solo

12 30

Proud Grandpa.
Another old art that I like.

128 396

because bringing the elixir of transformation back to the community completes the myth and heals the land. Because has always been a fairy tale about love and hope. And right now, our land is desperately in need of love and hope.

20 42

because wrestling through atonement is a more compelling story than death. Because TLJ taught us that we win not by destroying what we hate, but by saving what we love. Because he’s inspiring positive engagement, community, passion, and creativity in your fandom.

19 53

because in my mind Rey is already starting to do this again:

172 578

The Skywalker's story must end with hope. Give Ben Solo the happiness he was denied.

25 48

because there is so much potential in Dyad in Force together

16 38

because we don’t want his story to end

13 31

because Rey,Leia, Luke, and Han, just wanted Ben to come home, not to die.

5 10

Ich könnt verd*mmt nochmal stolz auf das sein was ihr da geschaffen habt. Seid nicht blind! Ignoriert uns nicht.

13 27

Бен отдал жизнь за любимую, но как ей жить,зная,что единственный, для кого она была всем-умер?

5 17

Forgive me, I feel it again, the pull to the light...

34 89