She used to be drawn so masc...

0 12

this is after one day of not interacting with the osc....

0 6

[ MISC...? ]

I'm so tired.

1 9

misc... stuff
(captions r hard😔)

537 3077

Domingo de desc.....trabajo.

0 7

E tu ja ia achando que ia cair no limbo(backup) né?

Tsc... Tsc... Não dessa vez. Peço perdão pela demora mas cá esta Elf, espero que goste.

(agora com erro de qualidade corrigido)

10 22

or if they wanted something more black-frday-esc...

0 3

You've all heard about daddy disc... *ahem*

But have you heard of everyone's fun uncle ?

1 16

some more coco emotes! I now have coco in 3 diff styles on my disc...^^"

1 45

*head lolling* sc...h..ool...

3 19

Art history references in Nosferatu.
From a fascinating video essay by Kevin Jackson on the disc...
The Red Tower in Halle (1915) - Kirchner
The Isle of the Dead (1886) - Böcklin
The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp (1632) - Rembrant
The Nightmare (1781) - Fuseli

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